A Personal Remembrance of Simon Wiesenthal

In Memory of Simon Wiesenthal, who passed away this week at age 96. The death of Simon Wiesenthal brings back many memories. Many years ago, when I served as director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center...

Hamas, Internal Strife, Old Film Clips on PBC TV Against Israel

June 17, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media has been giving small coverage to Palestinian-Israeli meetings (June 15/June16), describing the meetings sparingly , occasionally positively (PBC Television June 15/16). Reports on preparations for a summit...

The Seven Noahide Laws

Remind those who judge Israel that they are also being judged: In the Talmud “Sanhedrin” (98.b), Abaye asked Rabbah, “Why do you not want to see the Messiah’s arrival?” “Is it because you fear the travail...

Why would the PLO attack a Left Wing Kibbutz?

On November 12, 2002, a Fateh terorrist infiltrated the left wing Shomer HaTzair Kibbutz Metzer, which had made a name for itself in the Israeli peace movement and in Arab-Jewish dialogue. The Fatah terrorist murdered...

Does Rhetoric Replace Policy?

On the evening before the long-planned March 17 meeting with his counterpart in the Palestine Authority, PA justice minister Abu Medein, Israel Minister of Justice Tzachi HaNegbi talked tough, declaring to a cheering Likud...

Will the Media Report Their Police Record?

Here are the police profiles of 13 Palestinian terrorists who were released from the Church of the Nativity who are now awaiting a "welcome" in host countries. It will be instructive to know if...

Letter of Elihu Schultz, Concentration Camp Survivor

Last Friday (15.07.2005) I listened on the radio to an interview by Judy Moses. The interviewee was a woman settler from Gush Katif who had written her identity card number with a pen on...

100 Hamas Rockets Targeting Israeli Schoolchildren

http://sderotmedia.org.il/bin/content.cgi?ID=949&q=3 Photos: Direct hit in Netivut home, Monday morning 12.11.12, later on a direct hit in a ceramics factory in Netivot. Daniel Hagbi/Sderot Media Center It was a daunting, dismal weekend for Israel’s south, particularly for...

Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/08/15/getting-priorities-wrong-in-egypt-and-syria-three-media-case-studies/?singlepage=true As I lie here waiting for the gurney to take me into the operating room and reading the hundreds of kind letters from so many of you, I hope to fill in your time...

Abbas Condemned Terror in English, for Jews in New York, But not in Arabic,...

This past Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority (PA) foreign minister Riad Malki announced on the Voice of Israel Radio that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas would meet with Jewish community representatives in New York during his...