Analysis: The IDF War in Gaza

"It Smells" Still last night I had a bit of a "wait and see" attitude: We're still in Gaza, if Hamas hits us we may start again. Who knows. Well, now we know. Hamas has just...

Rabbis for Human Rights Responds to David Bedein

David Bedein wrote in his April article, "Rabbis Who Ignore Human Rights", "Ten years ago, a group known as the Rabbis For Human Rights"... was formed to relate to the human rights and civil...

How the European Union Meddles in Israeli Politics

European governments, in general, are breathing down Israel's neck. In the political-military struggle against the Palestinians, they support the Palestinians. The Union's Policy One had to observe the behavior of the television station of the BBC...

When children are the target In the wake of Operation Protective Edge, Israel is enduring an unprecedented deluge of condemnation. This is trying for the entire nation but is especially infuriating for families like mine. The crux of the vitriol...

Winning a Lose/Lose War Once again neighboring enemies are warring in diametrically opposite ways. Hamas sees the death of its civilians as an advantage; Israel sees the death of its civilians as a disaster. Defensive missiles explode to save...

Attacking Israel Online Throughout the greater Middle East, opposition to the concept and existence of a Jewish state is an idée fixe for hundreds of millions of Arab and non-Arab Muslims. A hatred of Jewish political sovereignty...

“Angst and Resolution”

From the start of this war, I was determined not to criticize the government, as long as it proceeded to do the right thing -- never mind that our actions in our self-defense were...

Doodling for Saddam

Section I: Introduction The Palestinian Authority, taking a lesson from authoritarian regimes, uses its media to mobilize support for the ruling class and its war against Israel. Since 1994, PA Chairman Yasser Arafat has increasingly...

The legal case for Judea and Samaria If international legitimacy for the settlement enterprise were a horse, one could say that it's been long out of the barn. Those roaming the halls of power worldwide -- from the White House in...

Deterioration of Human Rights

In order to more correctly assess the impact of the Palestinian authority on human rights it is necessary to go back only one year to July 1997. During this period between Har Homa (the...