A Profile: When A Social Worker Who helps Terror Victims Becomes a Terror Victim

Scenes of terrorism in newspapers and television have the same effect on me: they inspire shock and anger. There are the pictures of the ambulance crews, the Chevra Kadisha (Jewish burial Society) workers literally...

UN Accused Of Complicity In Murder Of Israelis

The United Nations was accused Wednesday of allegedly helping Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist forces ambush three Israeli soldiers and abduct an Israeli citizen traveling in Europe. The accusations were made by the mother of one of...

THANK YOU, KAREN ABU ZAYD – Palestinian response to UNRWA Head

There is so much in our Palestinian reality that requires writing about, particularly the political behavior-which can only be understood through the science of psychology and not the science of politics-relating to the formation...

Commentary: The Political Horizom

Yesterday the polls were released that Likud is way up in a recent poll and Kadima has pretty much fallen on its face. Today I am additionally encouraged. Netanyahu has addressed a meeting of...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: November 11, 2007 "Protest" I am in a holding pattern on personal matters. I cannot apologize for putting first things first -- for what matters more than attending to family when a new life is...

Sderot Waits for Annapolis

Conventional wisdom holds that next week's much-publicized peace summit in Annapolis, Maryland, will have no impact on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Jewish communities in the western Negev, including the besieged city of Sderot, would beg...

A Diary of Newsworthy Insight

Posting: May 12, 2008 "Inspiration" Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, delivered a speech for Israel's 60th. It is so extraordinary that I must lead off with this today: "All of my life, Israel has been a...

Top Obama aide invites head of terrorist-linked org to join administration task force

A top aide to President Barack Obama provided a keynote address at last weekend's 46thIslamic Society of North America (ISNA) national convention, a gathering that attracted thousands of people and also featured anti-Semitic, homophobic...

Terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase arms...

http://www.terrorism-info.org. il/malam_multimedia/English/ eng_n/html/ipc_e165.htm Exporting terrorism and subversion from the Gaza Strip: in our assessment terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip may exploit the recent events to increase arms smuggling and infiltrate operatives into Egypt. The Gaza-based jihadist...


Photo by Maor Moravia Photo by Maor Moravia Photo by Maor Moravia Photo by Maor Moravia On Wednesday the 9th of March 2011, an unprecedented video conference was convened at the Sderot City Hall, between representatives and residents...