Moving On in Sderot

Sima Abukasis looked on quietly as Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger and several Knesset members joined dozens of her Sderot neighbors and friends yesterday at a modest commemoration of the second anniversary of the death...

Arrest of Man for Blowing the Shofar During Prayer in the Old City in...

We ave been working on this story for the past 48 hours. The police spokespeople are saying that the shofar blower was arrested AFTER the prayers, claiming that he purposely blew the shofar in order...

‘A’ Is for Arafat, ‘B’ Is for Bethlehem. Skip Zion.

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Sept. 7 Inside a modern, secular private school here, the first-grade boys and girls stuffed their Pokemon and Barbie backpacks into their cubbies and gathered on the blue rug for story...


Everybody says that his donkey is a horse. There is no tax on words. (Two Arab proverbs) On December 25th 1977, at the very beginning of the negotiations between Israel and Egypt in Ismailia, I had...

Recorded Interview with Jeff Halper, Head of the Israel Committee for House Demolitions (ICHD)

Media analyst Allan Polak conducts recorded interview with Jeff Halper on March 24, 1999. (Halper, an anthropologist, is the head of the ISRAEL COMMITTEE FOR HOUSE DEMOLITIONS and a candidate to be the new...

Inside “Machsom Watch” – With One of its Members:

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations, now editing the Winnipeg Jewish Report at Former Winnipegger and Israeli citizen, Ronee Yaeger, is a founder...

Shmuel (Sammy) Bar-Lev: Syria’s recognition of Turkish sovereignty in Alexandretta precedent for Golan

Shmuel (Sammy) Bar-Lev, chairman of the Katzrin local council, suggested this morning in a live interview on Israel Radio that Syria reach peace with Israel as it did with Turkey - with the Syrians...

Europe’s Stark Options

Europe's long-term relations with its burgeoning Muslim minority, the continent's most critical issue, will follow one of three paths: harmonious integration, the expulsion of Muslims, or an Islamic takeover. Which of these scenarios will...

Dov Weissglass – “Consiglieri” of the State of Israel

He despises the Chief of the General Staff, doesn't appreciate the head of the Israeli Security Agency and his comments about the Head of Intelligence Directorate are not fit for print. While the heads of...

In the 90th minute of the PR game, does Israel have a last shot...

By Noam Bedein* Israel's legitimacy as an independent Jewish state is being undermined and threatened like never before, especially in Europe. This became apparent during a short journey to Brussels and a nine-day speaking tour in...