Our commissioned security report: Arab attacks in Israel over past six months

Born in Chicago Illinois served as councilor in Bnei Akiva Youth Organization Following graduation from High School entered year study/work program for young leadership from Bnei Akiva in Israel Following the year program- volunteered in IDF...

Iran’s Threats to “Arm the West Bank” Must Be Taken Seriously

http://jcpa.org/irans-threats-must-be-taken-seriously/ Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced on August 24 that it had shot down an Israeli reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over its uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz (Esfahan Province). The Guards Corps...


http://www.azure.org.il/article.php?id=517&page=2 The presence of Lawrence of Arabia at the Cairo Conference was of inestimable benefit to Churchill in his desire to help establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine. Lawrence's friendship with the Arab leaders,...

Inside “Machsom Watch” – With One of its Members:

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations, now editing the Winnipeg Jewish Report at http://winnipegjewishreport.com/ Former Winnipegger and Israeli citizen, Ronee Yaeger, is a founder...

The International Solidarity Movement (The ISM) and its Terror Connection

"Friends," begins the web site of ISM, an international movement that works against Israel in the territories. "Friends, it's great that you will be coming to join us in nonviolent, direct-action resistance to the...

The medical war on Israel

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4153223,00.html Israel was excluded from the International Red Cross for half a century because of the Star of David. Questioned for having denied entry to the Jewish state, Cornelio Sommaruga, then-head of the International Committee...

The Case of the Missing Children Part One:

ESHHAR, December 15, 1997: Monday, October 13, 1997, was a suspenseful day at Beit Agron, the Government press center in Jerusalem, where the official Government committee investigating the disappearance of Yemenite and other Jewish...

Interview with Rabbi Arik Asherman, director of the RABBIS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS

Allan: Tell me a little about yourself. Asherman: Sure, my name is Rabbi Arik Asherman. I'm the executive director of Rabbi's for Human Rights. I also, on a part time basis am the Rabbi for...

Where Jerusalem Jews Worship: Tracing the changing location of the “holiest site in...

The Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem was Judaism’s holiest place in Bible times because God’s presence dwelt there (I Kings 8:27-30). Even when toward the end of the Second Temple period synagogues were functioning...


Volume 10, No. 3, Article 10/10 September 2006 One of the most important developments in the early twenty-first century Middle East is the rise of Iran to become a regional great power. This has come about...