Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Hurts Everybody

The Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 as the main product of the Oslo Accords. Based on responsibilities outlined for it in the agreement, expectations from the new entity were very high. The P.A....

The Palestinian Authority donor machin

When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist. The result is a rich Palestinian elite, which builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the...

Jews, Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Teachers’ Guides Published by the Palestinian Authority’s...

The purpose of this study is checking the attitude to Israel, the Jews and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict as reflected in the teachers' guides, namely, books issued by the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Education in...

A deal you can’t refuse?

The quote “beware of Greeks bearing gifts” came to mind as President Trump’s “deal of the century” was unveiled amidst much pomp and ceremony. This time however it was not Greeks offering up a Trojan...

The Mountain Ridge Will Save Tel Aviv from Ecological Disaster

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Most of the talk about the ravages of last month’s floods in Israel’s coastal cities concerns the responsibility of state authorities that failed to invest sufficiently in infrastructure development. But that is...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 29 – February 4, 2020)

After the formal publication of the Trump plan the violence from the Gaza Strip became more severe, with 11 rockets and mortar shells fired at Israel and an increase in the launching of IED...

Trump’s Deal of the Century – the View from the Judean Hills

Israel was the focal point of US news last week with the ceremonial presentation of what President Trump calls 'the Deal of the Century'. And a good deal it is, notwithstanding some major pitfalls such...

How Not to Promote Peace Studies: The Case of the TAU Tami Steinmetz Center...

Last December, the Tel Aviv University administration announced plans to close later this year, the Tami Center for Peace Research, because the donors backed off.  Philanthropist Daniela Steinmetz, who together with her husband sponsor the Center,...

The launching of IED balloons from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory

During the first half of January 2020 a decision was made in the Gaza Strip to renew the launching of balloons, which had stopped in March 2019. Since the decision was put into practice...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides

(December 2019) Executive Summary This is the last in a series of four studies within an extensive research project that started in 2015 and aimed at checking the attitude of the Palestinian Authority (PA) curriculum to...