Why Israel’s foreign and defence establishments lobby for continuity of UNRWA...

Why would Israel  corporations tied to the IDF lead the call for unlimited  access to the PA and UNRWA with no restrictions?   The answer :  400 corporations in Israel invested in the PA and Unrwa.   Such a  conflict of interest  caused a generation of Jews  to lobby for...

False expectations

Justice when it applies to Israel and Jews has a completely different connotation to that applicable for the rest of the world. This has been dramatically demonstrated in The Hague in recent days. The indictment against...

Weekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without...

Thursday, February 1, 2024 Weekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without Needing A CourtWeekly Commentary: President Biden Deputizes State Department To Engage In Lawfare Against Israel Without Needing A...

David Bedein reveals who is against shutting UNWRA and it’s Israel

Revelations of UNRWA’s involvement in Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror came as no surprise for David Bedein, head of the Nahum Bedein Center for the Near East Policy Research. He’s been documenting the evil...

Joint Subcommittee Hearing 

U.S. House of Representatives  Washington, DC  Tuesday, January 30, 2024  The Subcommi,ee on Oversight and Accountability and Subcommi,ee  on Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations  Subject: “UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency’s Mission and  Failures”  Dear Distinguished Subcommi,ee...

Alert: Egyptian blanket denial that smuggling tunnels exist from Sinai into Gaza Strip undermines...

Alert: Egyptian blanket denial that smuggling tunnels exist from Sinai into Gaza Strip undermines any program hinging on Egyptian security cooperation. Dr. Aaron Lerner, 22 January 2023 With some Gazans spending a fortune today to leave the...

Thoughts on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg , son of survivors of AUSCHWITZ Holocaust survivor: 'Hamas atrocities many times worse than the Nazis.' 90-year-old Miriam Schlisser lived through the Holocaust and the years preceding it, but the emotional turmoil...

Fatal Amnesia

There are many contagious diseases to which humanity can succumb. One of the most lethal, which has devastating consequences, is the deliberate erasure of past disasters, often combined with an obsessive urge to endlessly repeat...

UNRWA Policies Following the War

Swiss diplomat Phillipe Lazzarini, head of United Nations Relief and Works Agency will now face a torrent of  pressure from donor nations to conduct sweeping policy change in light of the war.  This is especially...

Journalist David Bedein on UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees

David Bedein has spent nearly forty years focusing his journalistic efforts on UNRWA, the United Nations arm tasked with the health, welfare, and education of Palestinian refugees. The UN does not try to resettle...