Israel’s protesters are enemies, not heroes, of democracy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu announced Monday night he was temporarily pausing his government’s judicial-reform efforts in the face of strikes by key industries, insubordination in some parts of the military and huge protests. While...

Four questions about the opponents of judicial reform

There is no reason to impugn the integrity of the vast majority of those who demonstrated against reforms to the Israeli Supreme Court. At the same time, most people do not know that there are...

Strategic Minute: America’s Rag Doll

A Word First We take a look at a man who’s been in the news nearly every hour in the Middle East -- Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Forget the heap of criticism coming from...

Israel Judicial Reform Crisis

JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman sorts out the details of Israel's Judicial Reform Crisis. What are the reforms? Why are there protests? Why are there counter-protests? Will embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be...

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and policy papers by Bedein, director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and founder of the Israel Resource News Agency. The author has covered the Palestinian...

Who stands to lose if the Israel High Court of Justice is not reformed?

There is no reason to impugn the integrity of vast majority those who demonstrate in Israel against judicial reforms of the High Court of Israel. At the same time, most people have no idea that...

March Madness

As explained by Wikipedia, “mad as a March hare” is a common British English phrase, both today and in Lewis Carroll’s time in the 1800s. This March seems no exception as far as Israel is...

Harvard’s Hijacked Center for Middle Eastern Studies

The Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at Harvard University will host on March 30, 2023, Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, chair in Law, Institute of Criminology-Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University; and Chair in Global Law, Queen...

Diplomacy between Saudi Arabia and Iran could isolate and constrain Israel

Suppose the Israeli defense establishment, the prime minister, and the inner security cabinet decide that Iran’s uranium enrichment at 84 percent, close to what’s needed for a nuclear weapon, and its progress in weaponizing...

A German Tourist in Israel describes an Arab terror attack against German tourists whom...

Now 14 is proud to present a value-based television that has repented of its flag to bring the true news without interests, the values ​​of Judaism, Zionism, Shabbat and the Land of Israel. The...