My Optimism About the New Arab Revolt

Unprecedented convulsions across the Middle East, from Morocco to Iran, prompt three reflections: First, these rebellions fit into the context of a regional chessboard, what I call the Middle East cold war. On one side...

Rights groups urge UN members to suspend Qaddafi from rights council

Reversing shameful election of Qaddafi is “better late than never” For Immediate Release Contact: Geneva, March 1- UN Watch, which has led the opposition by rights groups and victims to Libya’s presence on the UN Human Rights...

Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Rapidly . In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us: "By lifting the heavy hand of the Mubarak police state, the revolution unleashed long-suppressed sectarian animosities that have...

Assessment: Gaining Perspective on the Larger Picture in Jerusalem.

As events in the Middle East unfold, it is hard to gain perspective on the larger picture of what is developing. After forty years of Israel and twenty five consecutive years of full time...

U.S. aid to Palestinians in jeopardy over Hamas link American aid to the Palestinians is in jeopardy over their ties to the terrorist group Hamas, unwillingness to restart negotiations with Israel and push for statehood at the United Nations over U.S. resistance, congressional...

Urgent NGO Appeal to End Syria’s Ramadan Massacre aspx?c=bdKKISNqEmG&b=1330815&ct=11106989 H. E. Laura Dupuy Lasserre President, Human Rights Council United Nations Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Aug. 9, 2011 Dear Madam President, We, an international coalition of non-governmental and human rights organizations, urge the UN Human Rights Council to end...

Iran Signals Its Readiness for a Final Confrontation &TMID=111&FID=442&PID=0&IID=9990&TTL=Iran_Signals_Its_Readiness_ for_a_Final_Confrontation Since the publication of the November 2011 IAEA report, which explicitly spotlights Iran's plans to build nuclear weapons, senior figures of the Iranian regime and the state-run media have begun to use threatening, defiant,...

How Can Israel Please the American Government, Media, and “Experts”? It Can’t media-and-%e2%80%9cexperts%e2%80%9d-it-can%e2%80%99t/ There is a constant effort-especially by the anti-Israel left-to portray those who express mainstream Israeli public opinion and the views of professional analysts as “right-wing” or “Likudnik.” This leads me to wonder what one...

Middle East Myths Metastasize, Iran War Hysteria Rages Onward Much written and said about the Middle East has always been fantasy. But nowadays the proportion of fantasy to reality is higher than ever. And number one on that list is the war hysteria...