
There are many people in Israel who feel like these past two weeks have been the longest two weeks in their lives. Since the moment the abduction became public knowledge, the tension is palpable....

How Hillary Clinton Enabled Hamas’ Construction of Terror Tunnels

http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/08/17/how-hillary-clinton-enabled-hamas-construction-of-terror-tunnels/ Much has been said and written about the terror tunnels that Hamas built in Gaza. But too little has been said about who it was that put the cement into Hamas’ hands, thus making...

What’s a Palestinian?

Last week, on his return from a tour of the Holy Land, former Governor of Arkansas and Republican presidential nomination candidate Mike Huckabee said to The Washington Post that “there’s really no such thing...

Palestinians: We Want Democratic Elections, Too

We really envy the Israelis. Our leaders don't want elections. They want to remain in office forever." — Veteran Palestinian journalist from Ramallah. The truth is that neither Fatah nor Hamas is interested in holding...

URGENT MUST READ: Iranian fact sheet completely contradicts White House

http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13940126001122 TEHRAN (FNA - Fars News Agency)- The Iranian parliament's Nuclear Committee on Wednesday released a factsheet to declare the revisions needed to be made in the Lausanne statement that was issued by Tehran and the world...

Iranian Top Commander Declares Specific Redlines for Nuclear Deal

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi in a message to the country's team of negotiators on Sunday mentioned specific redlines that should receive due attention in...

Israel is nothing short of a miracle

Ever since the Israelites made their way out of Egypt, the Jews have tended to complain, and we always will -- but let us take a look at the numbers • Where were we...

Israel Rejects as ‘False’ UJA Federation’s Claims about Israel Parade ‘Inclusion’

PLEASE SEE AN UPDATE BENEATH THIS ARTICLE This year’s New York City Celebrate Israel Parade is this Sunday, May 31, and the behind-the-scenes squabbling is reaching a fevered pitch. The fight centers on whether it is more...

Obama’s Secret Iran Strategy

resident Barack Obama wishes the Islamic Republic of Iran every success. Its leaders, he explained in a recent interview, stand at a crossroads. They can choose to press ahead with their nuclear program, thereby...

This Week: A Jewish Grassroots Response to the Delegitimization War Against Israel

Preface: What’s Going On and Why It’s Not New There’s an op-ed in this morning’s Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer. “At Holy Site,Centuries of Co-Existence.”  (Inq, Sun,4/30/17, C5).  The precarious Holy Land co-existence of which it writes...