Israel at Peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...

The Relegitimization of Israel and the Battle for the Mainstream Consensus

The Delegitimization Process and the Boycott: Background and Context The purpose of delegitimization on the international level is to isolate an intended victim from the community of nations as a prelude to bringing about its...

Jews in the Judean Desert? # More than 40,000 people have been slaughtered during the rebellion in Syria, and the death toll rises daily. The European Union does not appear to be particularly concerned. North Korea’s rulers have launched...

Converging Toward Hamas There are many points of disagreement between Fatah and Hamas; so many that they fought an ugly civil war in 2007, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza and Fatah in control of the West...

The Palestinian Authority’s Inconvenient Truths The truth sometimes hurts; that is why the Palestinian Authority has been working hard to prevent the outside world from hearing about many occurrences that reflect negatively on its leaders or people. In recent years,...

Israel’s Electoral Shift Unlikely To Boost Peace In Near Term TEL AVIV - Contrary to claims of an Israeli electoral shift to more moderate, middle ground, the new government to be formed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is projected to retain its right-wing reticence...

State of the Union Address on Foreign Policy: Careful Phrasing Conceals Disasters While the State of the Union message was overwhelmingly domestically oriented, the foreign policy sections were most interesting. I’ll review them here. The president began in the same neo-patriotic mode used in the second inaugural...

Palestinians: Why Salam Fayyad Stands No Chance against Fatah In recent weeks, the US Administration has resumed its efforts to achieve peace not only between Israel and the Palestinians, but also between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his prime minister, Salam Fayyad. These...

In the service of the Palestinians,7340,L-4371351,00.html British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould is doing all he can for the Palestinian army, which he claims plays a crucial role in the establishment of a Palestinian state. He is urging Israel to...

Hassan Rowhani: A Honey Trap for Iran and the World? Sayyed Hassan Rowhani, who adopted the color purple during the election campaign, won an overwhelming victory in the first round of the Iranian presidential election with a majority of over 50 percent, leaving Saeed...