Israel Fears Regional War in 2006

WASHINGTON -- Israel has relayed its concern to the United States of the rising prospect of a Middle East war in 2006. U.S. officials said Israel has determined that the expected U.S. withdrawal from...

Palestinians say Abbas Wrong –

The Israel Broadcasting Corporation's Voice of Israel Radio Arab Affairs Correspondent Avi Yissakharov reported this afternoon that PA head Mahmoud Abbas claimed in a meeting with Israeli reporters that the PA has collected all...

Israeli City Prepares for Missile Attacks

TEL AVIV -- Israel's military has been bracing for Palestinian missile attacks on a major southern city. Israeli officials said the military has assessed that Palestinian insurgents would launch missile strikes on Ashkelon, north...

“Calm” on Verge of Explosion

The quiet along the border with Egypt was violated yesterday once again. An IDF NCO who serves with the Engineering Corps was severely injured and an Israeli civilian was moderately injured yesterday afternoon from...

Israel’s Suicidal Policy

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

Consequences Ignored by Israeli Government?

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

When World Leaders Forget that the US Congress Must Foot the Bill

While the Bush-Sharon Summit focused on mutual threats (e.g. Iran and Islamic terrorism), it has highlighted a few basic misunderstandings - in Israel - concerning the US political system, US-Israel relations and Disengagement. For example,...

When Its Prime Minister Circumvents The Decisions of the Elected Government of Israel

There is a consensus of opinion among those who support Israel that they should support "the democratically elected government of Israel". Today, supporters of Israel must cope with an unprecedented dilemma, after the Prime Minister...

A tribute from a Jewish Reporter in Jerusalem

The visit of Pope John Paul II in Israel will not be forgotten. Yet not everything went smoothly. Shortly after Pope John Paul II announced that he was coming to Israel with the genesis of the...

PLO Revs Up Themes of “Resistance” and “Anti-Judaization” in Land Day Demos

The Palestinian National Authority (PA) used the "Land Day" Commemoration last week, on March 30th, 2005 to increase the anti-Semitic aroma of its "anti-Judaization" campaign against Israelis and Jews. Official Palestinian media and top officials...