The Powerlessness Excuse: Debunking the Claim that Obama Could Not Have Affected the “Arab...“arab-spring”-and-islamist-takeovers/ One argument we will be increasingly hearing is that President Barack Obama couldn’t have done anything to change events in the Middle East. This is ironic of course because when things were going well...

Israel attacks Gaza, threats of war Il Giornale, November 15th, 2012 Hamas military leader Jabari killed. The terror organization replies: “The gates of hell have opened” The Israeli Government long pondered before launching a military operation called “Amud Anan”, column of cloud,...

Escalating Hamas Attacks a Result of the Arab Spring The latest escalation along the Israel-Gaza border - which saw Palestinians fire more than 250 rockets at Israel since Wednesday after Israel, responding to days of only slightly less intensive rocket fire, assassinated a...

Israel Cautious Along Syrian Border

Israel's military has been directed to act with extreme caution along the border with Syria. Military sources said Israel Army units along the Golan Heights have been warned against responding to mortar and automatic fire...

Expert: Israel Should Let the PA Collapse Israel should let the Palestinian Authority collapse, particularly in the wake of its unilateral statehood bid at the United Nations, says Professor Efraim Inbar. Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) at...

Between NATO and Russia: The Pieces of Turkey’s Puzzle It was one of the rare weeks since the outbreak of the Arab awakening that went well for Turkey. Between what was seen as a successful visit by Vladimir Putin to Istanbul on December...

Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace

Since the end of the Second World War, millions of refugees have left refugee camps, and refugee status, and moved to countries that accepted them–quickly or slowly–as citizens. Post-World War II Europe was an...

Weekly Commentary: JCPA poll shows Israelis do not think pigs can fly Date: 20 December 2012 Typical polls of the Israeli public ask respondents if they would be willing to make concession "x" in exchange for peace. The problem is, of course, that concession "x" isn't in exchange...

The right to refuse In the last few days we have witnessed strong attacks on Naftali Bennett of the Jewish Home party for ostensibly condoning soldiers’ refusal to carry out orders to evacuate settlements. Almost as if by...

Results: Abraham Center for Middle East Peace If Pigs Could Fly Polls Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The Israeli media was filled today with the result of the two "If pigs could fly" polls commissioned by the Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Why "if pigs...