Audio: How the PA uses revenues handed over by Israel to bolster its education...

Audio: How the PA uses revenues handed over by Israel to bolster its education ministry, its culture ministry and its communications ministry: These ministries conduct:. An education system whose curriculum based on genocide of Israel. International activities...

PA Forces Linked To Attacks On IDF The Palestinian Authority has been linked to attacks on the Israel Army. Officials said at least one PA security agency was identified as linked to a spate of recent attacks on Israeli military and civilian...

Hamas-Gaza Plans Ops In W. Bank

MENL, Israel's intelligence community has determined that the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip was intensifying efforts to conduct operations in the West Bank. The Israel Security Agency said a Hamas operative in the Gaza...

Netanyahu and Obama Need a Marriage Counselor President Obama picked up the phone and called Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier today, which is a good thing, though presumably it was not the warmest conversation ever to take place between a president and...

NGO Statements on Gaza Again Reflect Political Bias, Lack of Expertise _ European governments enable exploitation of human rights, int’l law with their funding Jerusalem - The biased responses of human rights organizations to the recent events in Gaza stand in sharp contrast to their prolonged...

Operation Pillar of Defense: An Initial Strategic and Military Assessment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel’s achievements in Operation Pillar of Defense include its ability to surprise Hamas, kill its military leader, and destroy most of its strategic assets. The performance of the Iron Dome anti-missile system...

Who Will Rule Syria? A Detailed Assessment For all practical purposes, President Barack Obama has now recognized the Syrian opposition group as the government of Syria. Specifically, he called them the “legitimate representative” of the Syrian people.” The European Union did...

King Abdullah Warns Against ‘Extremist’ Arab Alliance King Abdullah II of Jordan warned against the formation of a new Arab alliance controlled by "extremism." The king openly attacked two Arab states and another regional state for seeking to launch a "new...

Brog: Is Twitter Above the Law? Social media have revolutionized communications by empowering millions of citizens to leap over traditional barriers and enter the public policy debate. But even in the brave new world of social media, there are still...

Hizbollah doubles down as its allies in Syria collapse In a speech last Sunday, Hizbollah's secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, affirmed that the rebels fighting the regime of President Bashar Al Assad could not defeat him. "The situation in Syria is getting more complicated,"...