President Arafat Received the Letter of Credentials of the new German Ambassador And the...
GAZA - July 28 - WAFA (Official Palestine News Agency) - President Yasser Arafat received in His Headquarters in Gaza this morning, the credential letter of Mr. Andreas Reinieke, the new German representative to...
Official Fatah Editorial: Continue the War
Official Fatah Editorial: Demand complete Israeli withdrawal - including Jerusalem, return of refugees, attack settlers, soldiers...
Rejection and Imposition
The Intifada broke out in September 2000, following the obnoxious visit of Sharon to al Aqsa mosque....
Israel Internal Security Chief Avi Dichter: ‘Israeli Arab demos prompted Intifada’
Israeli Arab demonstrations after then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon went to the Temple Mount last September prompted the Palestinian Intifada, Shin Bet Chief Avi Dichter told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday.
In his...
Iranian airlift sends more arms to Hezbollah – via Damascus Int’l Airport
Iran has transfered hundreds of tons of weapons, ammunition and other materials to the Hezbollah through Syria in recent days, according to reliable sources. The deliveries were airlifted in by giant Antonov 124 transport...
40 Palestinian Authority Organizations Attack Bi’tselem
40 Palestinian Authority Organizations condemn "B'Tselem biased position towards Settlements & Settlers in the Occupied Territories": July 3rd, 2001
On 21.6.01 B'Tselem issued a press release entitled 'B'Tselem condemns Palestinian statements supporting attacks against settlers'....
The Associated Press Reveals the Lie of a Palestinian Doctor.
Israeli soldiers did not bar a Palestinian woman in labor from passing an Israeli checkpoint, her relatives said Thursday, refuting initial claims by two Palestinian doctors.
The baby boy was born in a taxi at...
PLO Security Chief Mohammad Dahlan Interviewed: “Most of the People in Israel Want War”
Just a few weeks after Ma'ariv published my colleague Ben Caspit's exclusive story about Arafat's instructions to kill settlers, the Arabic translation of the story was placed on the desk of Mohammed Dahlan, commander...
PLO War Plans Under Way
In Nablus, Jenin, and Gaza,they are preparing for war.
Officials in the Palestinian Authority fear that an Israeli invasion of PA territory will happen in a matter of days.
Their assumption is that Israel is waiting...
Fatah Website Editorial: Coordination Between “National and Islamic Forces”
Official Fatah Website Editorial: Sharon's Instinctive Aggression
Sharon's Instinctive Aggression
It can be said that the successive American administrations have made a number of foolish acts out of arrogance in their attempts to impose...
Families of Slain Americans Upset by State Dept. Treatment
Jerusalem ( - The families of two Americans recently murdered by Palestinians say their grief has been compounded by the treatment they received from U.S. diplomatic missions in Israel, according to sources in Jerusalem.