Incorporate UNRWA into UNHCR

Since the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees was established 55 years ago, the number of Palestinians registered on its dole has expanded exponentially. What was originally intended as a temporary...

“Can’t Buy Me Love” : The Folly of Woflensohn and Zuckerman and the Green...

When James Wolfensohn and Mort Zuckerman raised $14 million to buy the Gush Katif hothouses from Israeli farmers to give to the Palestinians, many people were surprised. "We thought it was a chance to...

Israel Spawns Terror Base For The Enemy

As Israel pulled its troops out of the areas where 21 Jewish communities had thrived in the Katif district of Gaza and four more Jewish communities in Northern Samaria, the Israeli public was under...

Palestinian Authority Brings Hamas into Power in Gaza – despite Israeli legal constraints against...

The Palestinian Authority, the PA, has been bringing the Hamas terrorist organization into positions of authority, to formalize the group's influence in the Gaza Strip. This, despite the fact that Sharon's government had added a...

Not Quite What We Are Led to Believe

Now that the residents of the Katif district of Gaza have been forcibly expelled from their homes, a picture - promoted by the Palestinian Authority and its supporters - is being painted in the...

Goodbye Gaza, Hello Hamas

Anyone who believes that Israel's withdrawal from Gaza has even the remotest chance of fostering a spirit of reconciliation among Palestinians ought to consider the ongoing, venomous declarations of 60-year-old Mahmoud al Zahar, the...

Zarqawi Setting up Bases in Jordan, Gaza Strip?

Terror chief boasts of Eilat, Aqaba attack amid concerns of network expansion. JERUSALEM - A website affiliated with al-Qaida yesterday announced the terror groups' Iraq insurgency leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was responsible for last week's...

PA won’t disarm Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Hamas and Islamic Jihad announced on Monday that they have reached an agreement with the Palestinian Authority according to which the two groups would not be disarmed. The agreement was reportedly achieved during talks in...

Abbas: Meeting with Hamas Leaders “Positive”

GAZA, Palestine, August 10, 2005 - President Mahmoud Abbas met yesterday evening with a delegate of senior leaders of Hamas Movement in his presidential premises. He later described the meeting as "cordial" and "positive". The...

Do US Pressures Determine Israeli Policy?

The United States Department of State has made it clear to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. It wants the Jews out of the Katif district of Gaza by August 15th, with no excuses. The Chief Rabbi...