Joint Statement of Israeli Peace Now and PLO

NO TO BLOODSHED, NO TO OCCUPATION YES TO NEGOTIATIONS, YES TO PEACE We, the undersigned Israelis and Palestinians, are meeting in the most difficult of circumstances for both our peoples. We come together to call for...

The Levy Report: Reinvigorating the Discussion of Israel’s Rights in the West Bank EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Commission to Examine the Status of Building in Judea and Samaria (the "Levy report") has drawn a flurry of overwrought criticism due to its inclusion of a section concerning the lawfulness...

Hamas-Fatah Agree on Avoiding Armed Clashes: Palestinian Factions Say Prisoners’ Exchange Deal Close

28/10/2006 One of the three Palestinian factions holding captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in the Gaza Strip said on Saturday that it expected a solution to the crisis within days. Shalit was captured in a...

DUE DILIGENCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY? THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF U.S. GOVERNMENT FUNDING FOR MIDEAST POLITICAL... _the_negative_impact_of_u_s_government_funding_for_mideast_political_ngos Click here to download a PDF of this report CONTENTS Executive Summary Introduction National Endowment for Democracy United States Agency for International Development Middle East Partnership Initiative United States Institute of Peace Appendices Tables of NED and USAID Grants Discussed in This Report Correspondence...

Calls Grow for Probes and Defunding of Terror-linked UN Agencies Outrage is still growing after a bipartisan coalition of U.S. lawmakers last month demanded an independent investigation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a UN outfit, over its controversial activities in...


This week, Canadian Foreign Minister has announced that he will visit areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority to inquire as to how foreign aid funds are being spent. While it would seem natural...

U.S. officials skeptical on a demilitarized Palestine,0,3858683.story

Reporting from Washington -- U.S. officials reacted skeptically Monday to an
Israeli proposal that the United States and other world powers guarantee
that a new nation of Palestine remain demilitarized as a condition of its

With Questions to UNICEF

of tomorrow", and elementary school teachers and principals commend their young students for wanting to 'tear their Zionist bodies into little pieces and cause them more pain than they will ever know'¹... "....

Palestinian leaders angry at rumors that UNRWA will resettle “refugees” in Europe

A rumor floated around recently that the UN is asking UNRWA to try to resettle Palestinian "refugees" in Europe after 72 years of statelessness. Of course, resettlement would be the job of any real refugee agency dedicated...

Commentary: Abbas’s Assurances to Olmert…

Well... yesterday we were told that during their meeting Abbas assured Olmert that the release of Shalit was imminent, and that he would be working to try to make it happen before the unity...