Goodbye Gaza, Hello Hamas

Anyone who believes that Israel's withdrawal from Gaza has even the remotest chance of fostering a spirit of reconciliation among Palestinians ought to consider the ongoing, venomous declarations of 60-year-old Mahmoud al Zahar, the...

Member of Israeli Knesset Parliament to seek closure of UNRWA refugee aid agency

A member of the Israeli Knesset Parliament intends to ask the U.N. to close down the aid agency that assists Palestinian refugees living in Judea and Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem, saying the organization poses...

Palestinians Seek ‘International Protection’ and ‘Observers’ After Deaths of ‘Child Martyrs’ Killed ‘Playing Football’

A senior Palestinian official hinted broadly today that the Palestinian Authority (PA) would demand "international protection" and international observers to stop what he called Israel's "acts of aggression" against the Palestinians. At the same time...

Pushing Towards a PA State

This week, the Israeli government has been asked by the US state department and by the White House to dispatch representatives to talks that will take place somewhere near Washington, to meet with representatives...

Samantha Power, Obama’s pick as America’s Ambassador to the UN, will fit right in ambassador_to_the_un_will_fit_right_in.html Samantha Power has been a notorious critic of Israel for years and that, naturally, makes her well-qualified under President Obama's criteria to serve in such a crucial post. She will be welcomed with open...

David Bedein asks: will PA/UNRWA indoctrination to war be on the agenda?

Biden Secretly Pushing for PA-Israel Summit The Biden Administration is again pressuring the State of Israel to hold senior-level diplomatic talks with the Palestinian Authority, at the White House, according to a report by the...

Our World: The West’s proxy war against the Jews

By focusing attention on Israel and its crimes, Europeans, American admirers ignore Islamic war against Israel, global jihad. It was a stunning moment of moral clarity. As the South Vietnamese refugees clambered onto rickety boats in the...

No Yellow Brick Road for Palestinian UN Bid

Will the recognition and creation of a Palestinian state by the United Nations Security Council magically end Mideast unrest? Can the UN fulfill the role of the Wizard of Oz and help ensure that...

Why A Two-State Solution Will Not Work For Israel

In early September, in my capacity as the head of the Sderot Media Center, I was invited to take part in a press conference in the Norwegian capitol of Oslo, together with the Israeli...

Geneva Accord in English:

Read the Geneva Accord in English at: Further Information at: Outline of the accord: Article 1 - Purpose of the Permanent Status Agreement Article 2 - Relations between the Parties Article 3: Implementation and Verification Group Article 4...