Palestinian Television Broadcasts Blatantly Anti-Semitic Sermon

Palestinian television, supervised by the Palestinian Authority, broadcast an anti-Semitic sermon. It was delivered by sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiras, a symbol of Palestinian incitement. The anti-Semitic sermon shows that in the PA- controlled media there...

On Eve of U.S. Visit, Abbas’s Media Again Attack US and Israel

Only days before Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas visits Washington to ask for money and to exhibit reform and moderation, Abbas's official media have again supported terror assaults on Israeli targets while attacking America and...

The Hidden Clauses of Oslo

One senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official has documented the Israel-PLO negotiations and through a second-party permitted them to be leaked to the Israeli media. The story told is a shocking indictment of Deputy Foreign Minister...

Newsworthy Quotations from Official Palestinian Television

Official Palestinian television devoted much of its programming this past Friday (May 13) to attacking Israel and Jews in general, as part of the lead-up to the 57th anniversary of "Al-Nakba"-The Catastrophe-as Palestinians call...

Official Palestinian Authority Unleashes Anti-Israel and Anti-American Messages on the Eve of Israeli Independence...

The Palestinian Authority's offical print and broadcast media launched a broad propaganda attack against Israel and the United States on Friday morning-two days before the May 15 anniversary of the founding of Israel, a...

Call for Israeli Arabs to Revolt

The official Palestinian broadcast media repeatedly beamed today comments by PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas in which he condemned Israeli Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom as "undemocratic" because he warned that Israel would be foolish to...

Palestinian Prime Minister Threatens Israel Over “Threats” to Al Aqsa

The Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia warned Wednesday that continuing Israeli threats to Islamic holy places would lead to a regional conflagration. The Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia warned Wednesday that continuing Israeli...

Weekend Analysis of the Official Palestinian Media

May 6-8, 2005 Summary During the weekend, the Palestinian Authority (PA) media covered a variety of subjects ranging from last week's local elections to this week's overseas trip of Mahmoud Abbas to Brazil, Chile, Japan and...

Maariv attacks HaAretz Editorial for Demonizing Israel

The process of demonizing the State of Israel took a step up this week when the publisher of Ha'aretz, Amos Schocken, published an article that made grave allegations against the State of Israel. According...