Palestinians Seek ‘International Protection’ and ‘Observers’ After Deaths of ‘Child Martyrs’ Killed ‘Playing Football’

A senior Palestinian official hinted broadly today that the Palestinian Authority (PA) would demand "international protection" and international observers to stop what he called Israel's "acts of aggression" against the Palestinians. At the same time...

Abbas Attacks Israeli ‘War Crimes’ and ‘Intentional Murder’ of 2 Youths as Deliberate Attempt...

JERUSALEM--May 5, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media opened their reports Thursday with a slashing attack on Israel for "deliberately killing" two Palestinian youths yesterday as part of an intentional Israeli plan to bust...

From Evil, Make Good

One-and-a-half million innocent individuals were murdered. Women were raped and children were tortured. The survivors are few, the pain is great. But even ninety years after the Armenian Genocide, in which Armenians were systematically...

Abbas Takes Tough Line on Final Status and on Interim Israel Withdrawal

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas asserted that he and the Palestinian leadership would not accept anything less than a total return to the frontiers of June 4, 1967, the Palestinian media reported Wednesday. "We will not...

Israel and Palestinians Both Allowed Escape of Jihad Terrorist Who Attacked Tel Aviv; IDF...

Staff Sergeant Dan Telesnikov, 21, was an Israeli paratrooper who might be alive today if Israel and the Palestinian Authority were really serious about stopping suicide bombers, instead of scoring diplomatic points. Telesnikov came back...

Israeli Position Renders Balfour Declaration Obsolete

Lawyers representing Israel in its bid to defend the vacuation/Compensation Law (the Disengagement Plan), negate the Balfour Declaration as a basis for Jews to settle in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The lawyers made their controversial...

Proposal for Palestinian Security Forces to Move Into Evacuated Homes

Settlements in northern Samaria that are to be evacuated would become camps for the Palestinian police, according to a proposal the IDF considered recently in light of the dilemma of what to do with...

The PLO Rejects Any Notion of a West Bank/Gaza State

The Rand Corporation has ignored one basic fact of life: The PLO is at war with the state and people of Israel. The purpose of the PLO is to create a state of Arab Palestine...

Palestinian Leader Abbas Signals Mild Disapproval of Rocket Attack on Israel, But Does Not...

The official Palestinian Auhtority media reported today (Wednesday) Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was not pleased with the rocket attack Tuesday night on the Israeli town of Sderot, but no Palestinian official, including Abbas condemned...

America and Israel Attacked Harshly in Televised Palestinian Mosque Speech

The Palestinian Authority's official televised mosque speech Friday included a fiery attack on the United States accusing it and Israel of wanting to occupy and dominate the Arab world. "Our enemies want to occupy Arab...