UN Dollars for Terror

Reading the material on the website for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), one gets a picture of "a relief and development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency...

Frontpage Interview’s guest: Arlene Kushner, Author of New Book: “Disclosed: Inside the Palestinian Authority...

The book can be ordered from this site. FP: Ms. Kushner, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Kushner: Thank you, it's a pleasure to participate. FP: In Disclosed, you explore the inner workings of the Palestine Liberation Organization and...

A Kerry Middle East Man: US troops to the Middle East?

Dr. Martin Indyk, who served two stints as ambassador to Israel, introduced himself to Israeli reporters who covered last week's Democratic National Convention as one of the key Middle East advisors to Democratic presidential...

After Arafat

When Yasir Arafat became seriously ill in late 2003, Palestinians were near panic for several days. Officials did not know how to handle the crisis. Ahmad Dudin, former Fatah leader in the Hebron region,...

PLO Takes Credit for Murdering an Israeli Judge

The spokesman for the mainstream organization of the PLO, the Fateh, confirmed that the Fateh indeed takes responsibility for last week's murder of Tel Aviv District Court Judge Adi Azar, the same judge who...

Is Israel’s Barrier/Fence/Wall No More Than a Cop-Out in the War Against the PLO?

Last September, when Israel Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom made a toast to the foreign press and the diplomatic corps in honor of the Jewish News Year, The Israeli government minister spoke with great satisfaction...

When Marlin Brando Spoke Up for the Jews

Marlon Brando deserves to be remembered not only for his theatrical accomplishments, but also as one of the first public figures in post-World War II America to speak out about the failure of the...

Hart N. Hasten, An Autobiography “I Shall Not Die”

At the opening ceremony of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, I stood in a modern, well-lit square room among many prominent leaders, politicians, donors, and supporters of Menachem Begin. As the hum of the...

Israel Upset By Reports of Bashing at Palestinian Refugee Conference

Israel expressed its disappointment on Monday over its exclusion from an international conference on Palestinian refugees and over reports that the conference was used as a platform for Israel-bashing. The two-day conference, held in Geneva,...

Settlers Accuse Media of Waging ‘Psychological War’ to Weaken Resolve

Israelis living in the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Gush Katif say Israel's "left-wing" media is waging a psychological war against them to weaken their resolve so they'll give up their homes. Israeli Prime Minister...