A Black Cloud Over Humanity, Israel and the Jewish People

Every April, the walls of the Armenian Quarter, which lead to the Jewish Quarter in the Old City in Jerusalem, are plastered with posters, reminding the people of Israel of the Armenian genocide. Throughout...

“Voice of Palestine” of the Palestinian Authority Praises Murder of a Pregant Woman and...

The PA radio, known as the PBC "Voice of Palestine", remains the most influential media tool in the hands of the Palestinian Authority, which now observes ten years since the genesis of Palestinian Authority...

HU Armenian Studies Department Holds Armenian Genocide Memorial Event

Professor Michael E. Stone, head of the Hebrew University Armenian Studies Program, chaired a somber event at The Hebrew University to mark 89 years since the genocide of the Armenian people in Turkey. The...

A Dispassionate View of The Sharon Plan: From Disengagement to Retreat

The Sharon Plan will be voted on in an unprecedented referendum which will take place among the 200,00 members of the Likud Party in Israel this coming Sunday. This is not just an internal party...

Israel’s killing of Hamas “spiritual” leader Ahmed Yassin

Following the killing of Ahmed Yassin, the inclusion of Hamas in the leadership of the Palestinian Authority has become a fact of life without any real reaction from politicians in either Israel or the...

Against the Fence: A Call to my Neighbors in Efrat and the rest of...

Let's call their bluff. The fence is a future border. Whatever, whoever is in will be residents of the State of Israel, whatever, whoever is out will lose their homes and land. It's that simple. And...

Ariel Sharon Positions Himself at the Beck and Call of the U.S. State Department

For the past decade, U.S. demands for Israel to dismantle Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and the Gaza strip were sweetened with talk of a " peace process" and economic...

Sidebar: Nixon tapes and the Arafat’s murders in Khartoum

The web site mountnixon.com/khartoum.html draws some interesting e-mail and comment from knowledgeable people who read it. On February 10, 2002, I received a call from Jim Welsh in Oregon (James J. Welsh), who had...

Ex-NSA op asks Congress to Probe Arafat Murders

A former National Security Agency intelligence analyst in the Middle East is formally petitioning Rep. Henry Hyde and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to investigate the disappearance of recordings made by the NSA of...

Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Va). Analyzes UNRWA Palestinian Refugee Camps

www.CBN.com: Gordon Robertson recently spoke with U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), the Chairman of the House Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. He asked him about the use of U.S. taxpayer funds to...