Terror in the North, Nabil Shaath, Accountability for Terror Attack in Jerusalem, Arafat Still...

Funding Terrrorism in Northern Israel? The Attack In the August 11 edition of the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the leading military analyst Zev Schiff noted that the "Hezbollah uses anti-aircraft aimed to explode over Israeli communities and...

Remarks To the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Regarding the Situation of Palestinian Refugees

Mr. Chairman, thank-you for the opportunity to address this report on the situation of Palestinian refugees. While Canada is only an observer in this Assembly, we have a significant interest in this issue as...

Next stop on the Road Map: All-out war

The End of "Peace" Anyone who breathes the air of Israel during summer 2003 can discern plans for war in the Fall. Israel's press is replete with Israeli intelligence reports which convey the precise plans of...

Will the Jewish State Demand the Re-Arrest of a Freed Terrorist Who Advocates Terror??

Ahmad El-Sukar was the Arab terrorist responsible for the murder of 14 and maiming 70 in a Zion Square bombing, when he placed a refrigerator bomb there on July 4, 1975. I was there in...

Israel Without Apology

Three decades ago, I was a Berkeley New Leftist with a political and personal problem. I had been born in Israel, and, though I didn't consider myself a Zionist, I certainly didn't want to...

A Critique of the “Nusseibeh-Ayalon” Campaign

Sari Nusseibeh's and Ami Ayalon's declaration of principles is strewn with potholes and political pitfalls. For example, the fiction of "two states for two peoples," that is mentioned in the sense that in the...

The Political Role of the NGO’s in Israel

One of the harshest fronts of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the information war, in which powerful non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with major influence on the international media consistently display a biased approach. The hijacking of the...

A US State Department Middle East Policy Without US Congressional Authorization and Without Public...

The US State Department acts independently of US congressional approval in its implementation of middle east policy, while obfuscating basic facts from the Executive Branch of the US government, leaving the White House and...

CMIP Briefing:The latest Palestinian Authority School Books – Hardly a Curriculum for Peace

The new report of the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace, just released, represents the fifth time CMIP has done a review of textbooks used by the Palestinian Authority. In the early years...

Camp David: Three Years Later

Three years ago today, on July 10, 2002, the Israeli prime minister at the time, Ehud Barak, flew to a summit with Yasser Arafat at Camp David. Upon leaving Israel, Barak spoke of an...