US State Department Official William Burns
Assistant Secretary of State William Burns, under fire from conservatives for recent remarks in Jerusalem that disparaged the president and his supporters, has a history of cozying up to radical Muslims who oppose peaceful...
The International Solidarity Movement (The ISM) and its Terror Connection
"Friends," begins the web site of ISM, an international movement that works against Israel in the territories. "Friends, it's great that you will be coming to join us in nonviolent, direct-action resistance to the...
The Double Entendre of Abu Mazen
Abu Mazen was careful in the wording of his commitments during the PLC meeting of April 29, 2003.
The text of Abu Mazen's speech to the PLC at shows that all he says is...
Recipe for Terror: A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution
I. Introduction
A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution
More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...
Discrepancies Between the Arabic and English Versions of the Palestine State Constitution
The Palestinian State constitution has gone through at least three drafts in an effort led by legal experts in the European Union and the United States.
A comparision of the two versions appears to support...
Palestine Loves Saddam. The Palestinian Press Identifies with Iraq in Cartoons
I. Introduction
When four U.S. soldiers were killed by an Iraqi suicide bomber, the Palestinian Authority decided it was time to act. The PA renamed the center of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West...
“Peace Activists” in the Middle East: Out of Their Depth?
Jerusalem, Israel
The news that a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist, Shadi Sukiya, was captured by an elite anti-terror unit of the Israel Defense Forces while hiding out in the Jenin offices of the International Solidarity...
Abu Mazen Incorporates PLO Terror Groups into his Cabinet
The new Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, visited Gaza Strip on Saturday for the first time since his appointment, meeting leaders of Palestinian movements as he works to form a Cabinet. Abbas has been...
Abu Mazen Sources
(1) Mahmoud Abbas (abu Mazen)
In 1983, in an early public example of denial from an indigenous Middle Eastern source, a Palestinian named Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen) wrote The Other Side: The...
Abu Mazen: More Radical Than Arafat
According to Yossi Beilin (Yediot Aharonot, March 11), the political "pragmatist" Abu Mazen, who "declares everywhere that he has foregone his dream of returning to his birthplace Safed," offers the last chance for a...