Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 18/19

SUMMARY The Palestinian Authority yesterday announced compliance with the Sharm summit understandings, but the announcement (which ran first at 2-PM on Oct. 18 and subsequently) was noteworthy for three factors: 1. It was terse. 2....

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 12-17

There was an important shift in recent days in the content and tone of broadcasts, best signified by what was left out as by what was left in. The lead-up to the Sharm al-Sheikh summit...

Official Fatah Website Editorial: Negotiating through Blood

Israeli threats and bribes failed to weaken the adherence of the Palestinian to their sovereignty over Jerusalem which was occupied in 1967. At Camp David II, President Arafat insisted that our sovereignty should be applied...

PA Leadership Calls for Continuing the Intifada

Arab Action Expected Speaking to a conference in Tunis, PA Chairman Yasir Arafat said: "Just as the Palestinian and Tunisian blood mixed at Hamam al-Shat so will the Palestinian blood mix with the Arab...

When the ADL Went Soft on Arafat’s Textbooks

In September, 2000, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the Anti Defamation League(ADL), led a delegation of donors to dedicate a new ADL office in Jerusalem, and then meet with parties to the sensitive...

Sending children to die on the front-line of battle. From Golda to Gaza

"We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children"- GOLDA MEIR, 1972 During my first year in Israel, 30 years ago, Golda Meir was the Prime Minister. I remember the affection that I...

Has the Israeli human rights community abandoned human rights in favor of political expediency?

A commitment to human rights and civil liberties includes an inherent even if unwritten oath to uphold the principles of human dignity, regardless of any political or ethnic considerations. For example, in 1992, in the...

The “right of return”: the PLO negotiating position that stalls the process

The most significant decision of the Sept. 13th PLO central committee was barely reported: The absolute and uncompromising Palestinian position that every refugee who left Palestine in 1948 should have the "inalienable right" to...

Asking President Clinton to recall US ambassador Martin Indyk

I wish to take the unusual step of asking the President of the United States, The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton, to recall the current US Ambassador to Israel, Mr. Martin Indyk. That is because Mr....

Analysis of a new textbook of the Palestinian Authority

"NATIONAL EDUCATION FOR SIXTH GRADE" Published by the "Ministry of Education for the State of Palestine". presented September 2000. . Pages 8 - 9. A GEOGRAHIC MAP SHOWS WHAT IS CURRENTLY INTERNATIONALLY DESIGNATED AS ISRAEL...