Official Fatah Editorial – Preparing for State
The following is the complete and unedited text of an editorial on the official Fatah Website 15th September, 1998,
President Clinton has sworn that he will remain committed to the peace process in the...
Refusal to Recognize Israel Widespread on Palestinian TV
A report documenting hundreds of cases in which the Palestinian media broadcast messages indicating an unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel, even within the 1948 borders, was distributed yesterday by the Palestinian Media...
The Incidental Fruit of Oslo
The Oslo Accords dealt a crippling blow to the foundations of the global consensus which defined the prerequisites for a just and durable peace during the 1970s and 80s{IMREA comment: A fantastic fabrication!}-- that...
Eyewitness to the Oslo “Reunion”
On August 24, I flew to the Holmenkollin Park Hotel in Oslo, Norway, to cover a hastily organized "fifth anniversary" conference that was held exactly five years to exact day and the very place...
Does the United States Intend to Pursue Terrorists Who Murder Its Citizens . ....
Since the terrorist bombings at the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya mad Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania, President Clinton and officials of his administration have been vehemently proclaiming that terrorists who murder U.S. citizens will be pursued...
The Timing of Terror
In the wee hours of the morning of August 5, 1998, an Israeli patrol jeep was fired on near the Israeli west bank community of Yitzhar. It was a well planned ambush. The two...
Report on Palestine Authority Summer Camps
Part 1. Educating Children to Violence
Part 2. Children's Summer Camps are Military Training Camps
Part 3. Education Children to See Land of the State of Israel as Palestine and Israeli Arabs as Palestinians
1. Introduction
The Palestinian...
Hatred Goes to Summer Camp
This is part of the material presented by Minister of Communications Limor Livnat at the July 1 cabinet meeting.
#1 Article On Summer Camps In Khan Yunis - 7 July 1998
a. Boy sings:
"I came to...
The Process: 1,100 Days That Changed the Middle East
Reviewed by David Bedein,
Media Research Analyst and Bureau Chief,
Israel Resource News Agency, Jerusalem, Israel.
The 1993 Middle East negotiations came to be known as the Oslo process, because of secret talks held in the Norwegian...
Abbas: Klinghoffer Created Troubles So I Killed Him
Gaza City...
Mohammed "Abul" Abbas - the most wanted man in the world 13 years ago after masterminding the Achille Lauro hijacking now holds court in the offices of the Palestine Liberation Front, the small...