List of Companies That Have Condemned Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld tracks which companies have spoken out to condemn Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel, denounce antisemitism, and express support and solidarity with Israel.

The ‘Massacre’ Coming to Judea and Samaria

The Biden administration warns against settler violence, the IDF goes soft against West Bank violence and the terror coming to Judea and Sumeria. Watch now on The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus!  

The origins of Palestinian hatred

THE TRAIL OF blood left by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip is another chapter of the Palestin- ian cruelty and brutality that was born over 100 years ago. There have been several inflection points along the way that we...

Regavim Documents Palestinian Authority’s Fervent Support for Hamas Massacre

The Regavim Movement publicized a catalog of official Palestinian Authority expressions of support for Hamas, including calls for donations, encouragement for Hamas terrorists, and calls for active participation in confrontations with Israeli civilians and...

Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine

We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence. Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have...

Unrwa Accountability Report fpr Congressman Rep.Mario Diaz-Balart, a senior member of the House...

Since 1987, the Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research Ltd., located in Jerusalem and headed by David Bedein, has stood at the forefront of advocacy for UNRWA (United Nations Refugee Works Agency)...

A Peace Process with the PLO that lasted less than three weeks.

Yes, on September 13, 1993, at the White House, Israel signed the “Declaration of Principles” (the DOP) between Israel and the PLO, in the presence of US and Russian officials who also sat at...

The Israeli City of Haifa in Palestinian Authority Textbooks and Teachers’ Guides Used in...

The PA textbooks taught in UNRWA schools (grades 1-10) in Judea, Samaria, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip present the city of Haifa, which is located within Israel's pre-1967 territories, as a Palestinian city: In...

3,600-plus Palestinian terror attacks in first half of 2023

The escalation in Palestinian terrorism that started over a year ago shows no signs of abating, data from Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria) published on Tuesday indicates. In the first six months of...

3,600-plus Palestinian terror attacks in first half of 2023

The escalation in Palestinian terrorism that started over a year ago shows no signs of abating, data from Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria) published on Tuesday indicates. In the first six months of...