Abbas Dismantles Palestinian Democracy

Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza have long been denied basic freedoms and self-determination, but not in the way you might think. Their own president, Mahmoud Abbas, has systematically dismantled democratic institutions...

In the Shadow of 1914: The Current Situation

With each passing day, the political landscape across the globe looks increasingly like August 1914. Then, it took only the assassination of an Austrian archduke by a Bosnian-Serb nationalist to ignite the First World...

SENIOR FATAH MEMBER RAJOUB SUGGESTS PA GET CLOSER TO IRAN I met Jabril Rajoub, senior Fatah member five years ago in Jerusalem which is why last week's news item on May 1 about Rajoub caught my attention. According to Iran’s IRNA news agency, Rajoub...

AND THE WORLD LIES: The Anatomy of Refugeehood

Let us begin with a story. A well-known and familiar story. In a certain well-known and familiar country that was once under Ottoman rule lives a large Muslim minority. The relations between the majority...

Mahmoud Abbas can’t meet Israel’s basic requirement for peace

At an Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of Israel’s desire for peace with the Palestinians. “Peace will be based on the principle of two states for two peoples,”...

JLTV to show US premiere of documentary on controversial United Nations refugee organization on...

JLTV will premiere a stunning new documentary that portrays the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as an organization dedicated to inciting Palestinian militancy through its educational curriculum and staff in schools and...


The city of Hebron, approximately 20 miles south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills, has been linked to the Jewish people from time immemorial. It is, after Jerusalem, the most sacred city for the...

If Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound Collapses Israel is at Fault

Shortly after official Israeli warnings that Jewish terrorists are threatening to blow up Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Israel is again threatening to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan...

“Say No to Haider” and Say Nothing About Assad and Arafat

The World Zionist Organization this week hired a major public relations firm to mobilize world opinion against the inclusion of the rightist Jorgen Haider in the new Austrian government coalition. The slogan adopted by the...

How Can Israel Please the American Government, Media, and “Experts”? It Can’t media-and-%e2%80%9cexperts%e2%80%9d-it-can%e2%80%99t/ There is a constant effort-especially by the anti-Israel left-to portray those who express mainstream Israeli public opinion and the views of professional analysts as “right-wing” or “Likudnik.” This leads me to wonder what one...