PBC Radio Describes Death of an Infiltrator as “Having Died a Heroic Death”

Muhammad Abbas's firing of three Gaza security officials has been seen by Western observers as one of several steps by Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen to show he is fighting violence and calls to violence,...

Iran, Hamas Declare Cyber War On Israel

Declassified Israeli intelligence reports issued this week report that both Iran and Hamas have made a coordinated strategic decision to make extensive use of the Internet to wage their battle for hearts and minds. Between...

The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian State

No matter who forms the next Israeli government, whether Benjamin Netanyahu or Isaac Herzog, a bet on statehood for the Palestinians is about as good as money in a Ukrainian bond. Netanyahu has said,...

UNRWA & the Right of Return

http://www.romirowsky.com/12055/unrwa-the-right-of-return Chair: Good evening everyone. I am Louise Ellman MP, and on behalf of the Henry Jackson Society, I would like to welcome you to this meeting here in the House of Commons. I would...


(video footage available from the Center for Near East Policy Research. policyresearchi@yahoo.com ) "Our rifles, all our rifles are aimed at The Occupation," declared Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas today (January 11) in a major...

Zarqawi Setting up Bases in Jordan, Gaza Strip?

Terror chief boasts of Eilat, Aqaba attack amid concerns of network expansion. JERUSALEM - A website affiliated with al-Qaida yesterday announced the terror groups' Iraq insurgency leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was responsible for last week's...

Palestinian Authority Textbooks: Another View

In 1999 and 2000, I conducted research on the establishment of the new Palestinian curriculum by collecting documents, textbooks, and interviewing Palestinian educators. Since that time, I have continued the research by continuing to...

Constructive Clarity in Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

MK Ze’ev Binyamin Begin (Beni Begin) is currently Minister without Portfolio and a member of Prime Minister Netanyahu's forum of seven senior ministers. Currently serving his fourth term, he first served in the Knesset...

Frank Gaffney: Diplomacy Of September

http://www.ruthfullyyours.com/2011/09/20/ frank-gaffney-diplomacy-of-september/ In her Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “TheGunsofAugust,” Barbara Tuchman chronicles how a cascading series of seemingly minor developments led inexorably to World War I and the worst carnage known to man up to that time....

Concerns about Middle East Studies workshop

Dear President Qayoumi, Mo.Qayoumi@sjsu.edu We are faculty at the University of California and co-founders of the AMCHA Initiative, a grassroots organization committed to investigating, documenting, and combatting campus antisemitism, particularly on California public university campuses. We...