http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=3171&sec=1&title=RAMALLAH_AND_BERLIN:__REFLECTIONS_ON_GERMANY%27S_VOTE_AT_THE_UN__RE:_THE_PA_STATEHOOD_BID There are a lot of reasons I can think of why Germany ought to have voted "no" in response to the Palestinian unilateral bid for statehood at the UN, one which Mahmoud Abbas declared...

Institute for Contemporary Affairs, founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation

http://jcpa.org/article/crisis-peace-talks/ Vol. 14, No. 9 April 10, 2014 In March 2014, Saeb Erekat, the head of the Palestinian negotiating team, prepared a 65-page document that surveys the diplomatic process and offers a list of recommendations for...

Refusal to Recognize Israel Widespread on Palestinian TV

A report documenting hundreds of cases in which the Palestinian media broadcast messages indicating an unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel, even within the 1948 borders, was distributed yesterday by the Palestinian Media...

The UN terror connection in Gaza

Breakdown and Introduction At the beginning of November, Col. Nir Press, of the IDF's Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration, registered a complaint with the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency (UNWRA) regarding the use by...

That Was the Week That Was in the Official Media of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian media highlighted the latest in the negotiations with Israel and preparations for final status negotiations. The lead story concerned the dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Authority over plans by Prime Minister...

An Israeli Call for Arab Rebellion

This e-mail was dispatched by Dr. Uri Davis on April 13, 2002, during Israel's incursion into Jenin. It is included here because it represents a most virulent example of a native born Israeli citizen...

FOLLOW UP QUESTION: PRESS STATEMENT: UNRWA calls for restraint as violence escalates in the...

From: Dr. Aaron LernerSent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 6:03 PMTo: c.gunness@unrwa.org Greetings, “We again call on the Israeli authorities to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they themselves have not personally committed.” What is the view of...

Geneva Accord in English:

Read the Geneva Accord in English at: www.heskem.org.il/Heskem_en.asp Further Information at: heskem@heskem.org.il Outline of the accord: Article 1 - Purpose of the Permanent Status Agreement Article 2 - Relations between the Parties Article 3: Implementation and Verification Group Article 4...

The Israeli Elections

Bang! A starting gun shooting blanks. The candidates are off and running in the Israeli Knesset sweepstakes. Nine of them have taken the field thus far, on the track for would-be prime minister in Israel. Israel's...

Exercises in the Art of War

The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority is nervous and speaks aggressively. Hamas and the activists get the hint: He will not oppose a little "pressure" on Israel, which will also press the Americans. The...