Israel has targeted Islamic charities... in an effort to block financing to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Officials said the intelligence community has been identifying and tracking Islamic charities, known as Dawa, in the West Bank...

A Strategy for Making Peace with the Palestinians BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 179, September 4, 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel will not be able to make peace with the Palestinians until the Palestinian community gives up its goal of destroying Israel. The Palestinians...

Islamism’s Likely Doom As recently as 2012, it appeared that Islamists could overcome their many internal dissimilarities - sectarian (Sunni, Shi'ite), political (monarchical, republican), tactical (political, violent), or attitudes toward modernity (Salafi, Muslim Brotherhood) - and cooperate....

Barack Obama, Jewish-Americans And Israel

From a personal and professional perspective, this is the sixth American Presidential campaign that I have covered from Israel, concentrating on the "Israel aspect" of the story. This time I not only have covered the...

Saudi Sermon Declares War on the Jews

Saudi Shaykh Khayyat on Government TV calls on God "to deal with the tyrannical Jews and their supporters" and bring about their defeat. #1 Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia TV1 in Arabic, official television station...

The Shift in Saudi Foreign Policy

The tight-lipped family oligarchy in Saudi Arabia headed by a geriatric and purportedly infirm monarch has no penchant for transparency. Despite the opacity, the transition from King Abdullah to King Salman has been accompanied...

Assessments of the Middle East NewsLine

Welcome to Middle East Newsline, a defense news service by independent journalists with a real understanding of the region. Our correspondents gather information from Ankara, Athens, Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, London, Moscow, Nicosia, Ramallah and Washington...

Signs of Iraqi Arms Buildup Bedevil U.S. Administration

Washington, Jan. 31 -- Satellite photographs and American intelligence reports have shown that Iraq has in the last year rebuilt military and industrial sites damaged by American and British air strikes in late 1998,...

Original Thinking: Will Israel be in close combat with al-Qaida in 2014? US servicemen are being photographed holding signs to hide their faces. This new form of Anonymous protest is addressed to their president. “I didn’t join the navy to fight for al-Qaida in a Syrian civil...

The New Arab Apartheid

From the link (Hebrew ×"×פרט×"×™×™×" ×"ערבי): May 14, 2011 The real “nakba,” which is the story of the Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, among them Jews, suffered from the “nakba,” which included dispossession, expulsion and displacement....