European Armies Recruiting Muslim Soldiers Germany is seeking to recruit more Muslims into its army: it cannot find enough native Germans to fill its ranks after it abolished the draft. German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière announced his intention to...

The Palestinian refugees — a reality check Western policymakers and media have misconstrued/misrepresented the Palestinian refugee issue, ignoring its global context and core data. Moreover, the Palestinian claim of dispossession -- which impacts the U.S. financial aid to UNRWA, and is...

Secretary Rice on CNN’s Larry King Live: Hezbollah human shields “very difficult to deal...

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thanks for joining us. We're getting reports that the United States hopes to have a deal on a U.N. resolution ending the Middle East violence and that deal should come through...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: November 11, 2007 "Protest" I am in a holding pattern on personal matters. I cannot apologize for putting first things first -- for what matters more than attending to family when a new life is...

The Other Side of Pollard: Damage, Duplicity – and Justice

Even in the icy world of international espionage, it is still somewhat startling that "equal justice under law" is little more than a palsied proverb. Consider these three cases of law and perfidy: From November 1992...

Aid for Palestinians: Breaking Down Walls or Building Them Higher? A photo of a UNRWA school in Gaza after it was shelled by Israeli forces. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international...

Is Hamas Preparing to Inherit The Palestinian Authority?

There is growing evidence that Fatah, the Palestinian faction that today dominates the PLO, may not remain the power center of Palestinian politics in the post-Arafat era. Hamas is preparing itself to inherit the...

Terror in the North, Nabil Shaath, Accountability for Terror Attack in Jerusalem, Arafat Still...

Funding Terrrorism in Northern Israel? The Attack In the August 11 edition of the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the leading military analyst Zev Schiff noted that the "Hezbollah uses anti-aircraft aimed to explode over Israeli communities and...

PLO Promotes League Of Arab Nations Initiative To Israeli Public

On Thursday, November 20,the PLO Negotiation Department took the unusual move of sponsoring an advertisement from the League of Arab Nations in the major Israeli media. The ad proclaimed that "57 Arab and Islamic states...

The PA is the First Victim of Its Reckless UN Bid 001Akwh5HY8vpyc1w1s2A32rL9Q3RQmYFVrhED4phA4VTY7UE132 m7S3Erl6QAF96k8O9XI4ZBsD26BrooG_I2o5YMqstfnye3Jypz3bozbPsI%3Dtp:// When the Palestinian Authority (PA) obtained UN recognition as a nonmember observer state in November, many Israelis feared the consequences for Israel: After all, PA President Mahmoud Abbas stated openly that he sought recognition...