How Iran Gains From Assad Victory

Interviewee: Michael Young, Opinion Editor, Daily StarInterviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting EditorJune 5, 2014 With Syrian president Bashar al-Assad claiming a sweeping electoral victory, one party set to gain in influence is Iran, says Lebanon-based expert...

Saudi Journalist: Netanyahu ‘Got it Right’ on Iran, Obama Must Listen!

Obama would rather ignore Netanyahu, but a prominent Saudi journalist says that Netanyahu is telling the truth and the American leader should heed his advice. Faisal Abbas, editor-in-chief of the prominent Saudi Al-Arabiya newspaper begs...

Egypt: Iraq May Attack Israel, “All Hell Would Break Loose”

The following are excerpts from an article which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, Al-Ahram of Al-Ahram Weekly 5th - 11th February, 1998 Front page headline: "WAR?" by Dina Ezzat, Galal Nassar and Nevine Khalil Cairo worked...

Saudi Sermon Declares War on the Jews

Saudi Shaykh Khayyat on Government TV calls on God "to deal with the tyrannical Jews and their supporters" and bring about their defeat. #1 Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia TV1 in Arabic, official television station...

Israel’s Settlers Are Here to Stay WHATEVER word you use to describe Israel’s 1967 acquisition of Judea and Samaria - commonly referred to as the West Bank in these pages - will not change the historical facts. Arabs called for...

The Palestinian Conflict with Israel is Not the Core of the Middle East Conflict As Syria's civil war drags on, it is increasingly destabilizing its neighbors. First, hundreds of thousands of refugees poured over their borders; now, violence has as well. Turkey and Syria have repeatedly exchanged deadly...

BLIND TO TERROR: THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S DISASTROUS MUSLIM OUTREACH EFFORTS AND THE IMPACT ON... Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number...

Israel: The Impudence Accompanying Betrayal I've always been amazed that anyone thought the United States would ever act against the Iranian nuclear threat. There was never any chance that such a thing would happen. The United States would never...

Israel-Egypt anti-terrorism cooperation at zenith An Egyptian soldier stands near the Egyptian national flag and the Israeli flag at the Taba crossing between Egypt and Israel, about 430 kilometers (256 miles) northeast of Cairo, Oct. 26, 2011. (photo by...

Getting Ready to Take on Iran? Jerusalem Bombing Linked to Iran?

The Israelis are very worried about Iran. And the Israelis are the major force in the U.S. pushing Washington to confront Iran. As was the case with Iraq just a few years ago, partly...