This is what Israel should offer Saudi Arabia

What’s clear about the American led effort to bring about a rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia is that it has a secondary agenda that aims to undermine not only our G-d given claim...

Syria, Egypt Trying To Protect Terror Groups, Israeli Lawmaker Says

Both Egypt and Syria are making efforts to protect terrorist groups and their infrastructure from the global war on terrorism, an Israeli lawmaker said here. As part of that effort, Egypt did its utmost to...

Briefing with Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee

Yuval Steinitz was a Professor of Philosophy and a Peace Now activist. In 1994, when he saw that Oslo was a disaster, he did a great deal of soul searching and joined the Likud...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: November 11, 2007 "Protest" I am in a holding pattern on personal matters. I cannot apologize for putting first things first -- for what matters more than attending to family when a new life is...

Nuclear arms expert says it would be foolish for canada to sell Jordan nuclear... NUCLEAR_ARMS_EXPERT_SAYS_IT_WOULD_BE_FOOLISH_FOR_CANADA_ TO_SELL_JORDAN_NUCLEAR_REACTOR:_CANADA_ON_SHORT_LIST_TO_SELL Arms control expert Gerald Steinberg has taken issue with the presence of Canada on a recent short list to help Jordan construct a nuclear reactor to generate energy for civilian purposes. Canada is one of...

Mordechai Kedar -A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of Thousands of... The Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (under formation) Bar-Ilan University Middle Eastern Insights No. 13, 2 December, 2011 Who Kills the Syrians? A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of Thousands of...

PIPES: Stay out of Syria Bashar Assad ’s wretched presence in the presidential palace of Damascus may, contrary to Western assumptions, do more good than harm. His murderous, terroristic and pro-Tehran regime is nonideological and relatively secular; it staves...

U.S. Mulls Unfreezing Iranian Assets The United States, breaking away from official nuclear talks, could unfreeze Iranian assets in exchange for Teheran's pledge to limit uranium enrichment, a report said. The Middle East Media and Research Institute asserted that President...

Saudi Crown Prince Clarifies That His Plan Means Unilateral Withdrawal and The “Right of...

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah said in an interview published Saturday that Israel must withdraw from all Arab territories captured in the 1967 Six-Day War, including East Jerusalem, as the price for real peace...

How Saudi Arabia has Not Helped to Rebuild Iraq

Saudi Arabia, which has demonstrated its willingness to use its vast oil reserves as a foreign policy tool, has not acted to aid u.s. efforts to rebuild Iraq. Contrary to frequent assertions that Saudi Arabia...