The Saudi Arms Deal

On August 13, 2010, several reports appeared in the US media on plans by the Obama administration to sell arms to Saudi Arabia valued at $60 billion over a period of ten years. The reported deal...

Beware Palestinian Apartheid: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic...

The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel. The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud...

Constructive Clarity in Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

MK Ze’ev Binyamin Begin (Beni Begin) is currently Minister without Portfolio and a member of Prime Minister Netanyahu's forum of seven senior ministers. Currently serving his fourth term, he first served in the Knesset...

Russian and Chinese Support for Tehran: Iranian Reform and Stagnation

Spring 2010, pp. 63-72 Recent years have witnessed the rise of irregular but frequently intensive opposition to U.S. global preeminence by Russia and China. In their own ways, and in pursuit of their own...

Obama Again Predicts Direct Israel-Palestinian Talks, Is He Wrong Again? We depend on your contributions. To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card, click the Donate button in the upper-right hand corner of this page. To donate via check, make it...


July 1, 2010 Tally Helfont is an FPRI research fellow. Her research focuses on Middle East-related issues and radical Islamic movements. She also instructs training courses on behalf of K3 Enterprises in Civil Information Management to U.S. Military Civil...

Washington Institute for Near East Policy : Gap Between U.S., Saudis Widens Over Iran

WASHINGTON -- The gap between Saudi Arabia and the United States has been widening over policy toward a nuclear Iran, a report said. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy asserted that the Saudis appear far...

King Abdallah Compliments President Obama, Sort Of?

July 2, 2010 According to the press pool reporter for the meeting between King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia and President Barack H. Obama of the United States, who wrote it just after stepping out of...

Israel Was Right

Israel Was Right

CROSSING THE RED LINE : When an Israeli Arab leader is arrested for espionage

Ben Dror Yemini, Senior Writer at the Maariv Newspaper in Israek, was born in Tel-Aviv , Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom.. He studied...