Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

Evans & Novak Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Aired November 29, 1997 - 5:30 p.m. ET Rowland Evans, CNN host: I'm Rowland Evans. Robert Novak and I will question one of America's most influential and most...

The “Two-State Delusion” I: Who Wants a “Two-State Solution”?

Following the U.S. lead, the near universal consensus appears to be that the Arab-Israel conflict can be resolved only by the establishment of a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and...

Keeping Our Cool with Saudi Arabia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In view of Saudi Arabia’s deep concern over Iran’s ascendancy, Israel is presented with a unique opportunity to dictate terms of engagement to the kingdom. It is unwise for Israel to tip...

Yezidi leader disturbed Trump ignored the plight of their people in Saudi Arabia

This week, US President Donald Trump spoke out against the persecution of Jews and the slaughter of Christians in Saudi Arabia but did not mention the genocide against the Yezidis: “For the Yezidis, not...

DAGEN Newspaper in Norway Has Commissioned an Evaluation of New “Human Rights Curriculum” Published...

Dr. Arnon Groiss This week, the DAGEN newspaper from Norway commissioned an evaluation of the new “Human Rights Curriculum” that has recently been published in Arabic by UNRWA,the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the...

U.S. funds used for Palestinian textbooks that preach hate ID=4&SubSectionID=4&ArticleID=16583 Palestinian children are being taught that Israelis are pigs and snakes. So said Arnon Groiss, senior journalist for the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Arabic Radio, during a congressional briefing last week. The schools these young refugees attend...

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration." -- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood The upheavals...

Interview With Hillel Neuer Of Un Watch On The Pa Un Bid, Unwra Reform,... INTERVIEW_WITH_HILLEL_NEUER_OF_UN_WATCH_ON_THE_PA_UN_BID, _UNWRA_REFORM,_RICHARD_FALK,_SYRIA_AND_MORE _ Editor's Note: Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN WATCH will be the guest speaker at the 2011 Annual Jewish Foundation of Manitobacs Luncheon on Wednesday Nov. 23, 2011 at the Faimont Hotel ....

The Palestinian Security Forces and the Second Intifada

Presentation given at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on July 24th, 2003 (Presentation hosted by the Center For Near East Policy Research and the Israel Resource News Agency) Copyright © Gal Luft Introduction In the period...

Does the Ford Foundation Fund PLO Advocacy?

Is the Ford Foundation one of the world's premier sponsors of terrorism? US Senator Charles Grassely (D) Iowa, Chair of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, thinks the question is a fair one. That is...