Where is UNRWA Going After the Withdrawal from Katif?

In early November, shortly after Israel had pulled out of Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with UNRWA's new commissioner-general, Karen AbuZayd. Shalom suggested, during that meeting, that it might be time for...

Parashas Masei 5774. Glad Not to Be Prime Minister Netanyahu; Miracles All Around

http://www.jewishmediaresources.com/1708/parashas-masei-5774 Glad not to be Prime Minister Netanyahu I am convinced that Israel had no choice but to undertake a major ground operation into the Gaza Strip, and that the time has never been so propitious...

U.S. Military Analysts See Hizbullah Gains

Leading U.S. military analysts have determined that Hizbullah achieved major gains in its 33-day war with Israel. The analysts, including some who serve as consultants to the Defense Department, have concluded that Israel's military failed...

The Continuing Cooperative Relationship

More often than not, when you hear a news report of an Arab terror attack in Israel, the news reporter will say that this attack was the result of Islamic extremists, whether they are...

Al-Ahram: Hamas/PA Relations, Bin Laden

Dead or Alive? by Tareq Hassan "Some PA officials were quoted as saying.... was much weaker than originally thought; "as scary as a cat", some said." Excerpts Palestinian police lifted tight restrictions imposed earlier this week on...

An Ugly Distortion of Justice

It is 1985. You are a young American Jew of the post-Holocaust generation, employed in the US Naval Intelligence. Your loyalty to your country of birth has never been in question. But you are...


The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has deployed thousands of troops, including Hizbullah fighters, for an offensive against rebel strongholds around Damascus. The opposition has reported a massive regime operation to expel the rebel...

UN Blames Israel for Gaza’s ‘Inviable’ Future

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/joseph-klein/un-blames-israel-for-gazas-inviable-future/ The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) held a conference on August 27th entitled “Will the Gaza Strip be Viable in 2020?” The conclusion, predictably, was that the Israeli government was fully responsible...

Syria: Everything You Wanted to Know About Islamist Rebels Who Can Shoot Down Planes

http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/04/syria-everything- you-wanted-to-know-about-islamist-rebels-who-can-shoot-down-planes/ Advanced anti-aircraft missiles in the hands of Syrian Islamist rebels could be used, after the win the civil war there, against neighboring countries and even against commercial passenger planes. It seems as if the...


Hizbullah recruited nearly 1,000 Al Qaida-aligned Sunnis to fight Israel in the war in Lebanon in mid-2006. A United Nations report said at least 720 Sunnis from Somalia were recruited by Hizbullah to fight Israel...