Next stop on the Road Map: All-out war

The End of "Peace" Anyone who breathes the air of Israel during summer 2003 can discern plans for war in the Fall. Israel's press is replete with Israeli intelligence reports which convey the precise plans of...

U.S. Quietly Encourages Israeli Operation

The authoritative Middle East News Line has confirmed that the United States has been quietly encouraging Israel's assault on Hizbullah. Officials said the Bush administration, after initial hesitation, has determined that the Israeli military campaign...

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

Evans & Novak Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Aired November 29, 1997 - 5:30 p.m. ET Rowland Evans, CNN host: I'm Rowland Evans. Robert Novak and I will question one of America's most influential and most...

Agent Turned Author Defies CIA

The CIA is demanding that a celebrated former agent remove passages from an upcoming book that claims that high-ranking members of the Saudi royal family have been involved in political assassination plots and the...

The Two-State Delusion III :The “Strategy of Stages” and a Concocted Arab Narrative

After 1948, when five Arab armies were defeated in their avowed “War of Extermination” against the greatly outnumbered nascent Jewish State, Jordan illegally occupied Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, and Egypt controlled Gaza....

Two Weeks of Incisive Commentary

February 21, 2008: Standing Strong Before returning to current news items, I would like to refer back to one of the themes of yesterday's posting, regarding the inability of some Israelis (some Jews) to defend...

Hey NIF: Criticism is a Democratic Right It’s strange that groups claiming to be well-versed in human rights seem so unfamiliar with the concept of free speech. Talkbacks (1) Those who make a full-time pursuit of criticizing others probably should grow thicker skin....

Geneva: A Historic and Dangerous Agreement In terms of nuclear infrastructure Iran will be as close to getting the bomb in six months as it is today. Geneva leaves Iran with something it was never granted before: the right to...

Beware Palestinian Apartheid: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic...

The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel. The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud...

A Palestinian civil intifada The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) published its December 2011 report on Monday, contending that in 2016 Jews will become a minority between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the...