Shia-Sunni schism: A challenge to world peace The recent violence in Rawalpindi or the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Beirut are not the only manifestations of the intra-Muslim sectarian discord. The inability of Muslims to settle a 7th century dispute...

Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright

As released by the Office of the Spokesman U.S. Department of State Secretary Albright: Well, good afternoon everybody. Before departing for the Gulf, I want to set my meetings with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Chairman...

Saudi Arabian King’s Two Brothers Provided Financial Aid to Suicide Bombers

Two high-ranking personages in the Saudi government oversaw the monarchy's financial support mechanism for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This information was extracted from documents the IDF seized in the course of Operation...

The United States Wants Cheap Oil and Democracy

Since World War II, the United States' abiding relationship with Saudi Arabia has been based on mutual interest. The United States wanted a reliable source of inexpensive oil; Saudi Arabia's rulers wanted American expertise,...

Hamas, Internal Strife, Old Film Clips on PBC TV Against Israel

June 17, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media has been giving small coverage to Palestinian-Israeli meetings (June 15/June16), describing the meetings sparingly , occasionally positively (PBC Television June 15/16). Reports on preparations for a summit...

The Unreported Story

Introduction 16 days after the Iranian revolution of 1979 Yasser Arafat was the first foreign leader who visited Ayatollah Khomeini. This was a historic visit for many reasons. Ayatollah Khomeini gave the PLO its own...

FBI Cuts Ties With Pro-Saudi Muslim Lobby

Israel's intelligence community has determined that Egypt, despite numerous operations in 2008, failed to reduce the weapons flow to the Hamas regime in Gaza. The Middle East Newsline has confirmed that the U.S. law enforcement...

Police and Harsh Rhetoric in Bethlehem

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations. It was a hot Friday afternoon on August 7, when I went to Bethlehem on. I didn’t have...

Obama Again Predicts Direct Israel-Palestinian Talks, Is He Wrong Again? We depend on your contributions. To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card, click the Donate button in the upper-right hand corner of this page. To donate via check, make it...

Libya: some good reasons to do it We are at a great turning point, and we must not be afraid. Aircraft carriers position themselves in the Mediterranean, NATO organizes itself, and military bases are on the move. The road of no-fly...