Commentary: Fighting Defeatism, in the USA and in Israel

Last night a reader asked me for a repeat of the reasons why I think the US should stay in Iraq. I gave him not just a repeat, but an expansion of my original...

Will Baker and Gates Leave Bush with a Defeatist Legacy?

As George W. Bush enters his final two years in office, he may be preparing a doctrine of defeatism authored by James Baker and Robert Gates that alienates allies and emboldens enemies. Three critical decisions...

Saudi Arabia: No. 1 Arms Purchaser

There is no question about it: The economic power of Saudi Arabia will be a factor for the next American administration to cope with. The United States Congressional Research Service recently ranked Saudi Arabia, the...

“Angst and Resolution”

From the start of this war, I was determined not to criticize the government, as long as it proceeded to do the right thing -- never mind that our actions in our self-defense were...

ISRAELI ARAB LEGAL SCHOLAR: ISRAEL IS NOT AN APARTHEID STATE Dr. Mohammed Wattad. Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Dr. Mohammed Wattad, an Arab Israeli Muslim who is a senior lecturer at Zefat College’s School of Law and editor of the International Journal on Medicine and Law told...

Constructive Clarity in Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

MK Ze’ev Binyamin Begin (Beni Begin) is currently Minister without Portfolio and a member of Prime Minister Netanyahu's forum of seven senior ministers. Currently serving his fourth term, he first served in the Knesset...

The Saudi Arms Deal

On August 13, 2010, several reports appeared in the US media on plans by the Obama administration to sell arms to Saudi Arabia valued at $60 billion over a period of ten years. The reported deal...

Richard Perle: Embarrassment White House Waffling on Aid to Libya Rebels White House spokesman Jay Carney today brushed aside press reports that the United States had asked Saudi Arabia to arm rebels in Libya so they could battle special forces troops loyal to Col. Moammar...

The Gaddafi Precedent

There are many reasons to be worried about the bridge-leap the Obama Administration has just undertaken in its war with Muamar Gaddafi. How it will all end is just one of them. What I find...

Middle Eastern Upheavals Enter Round Two The following replies to a question posed by National Review Online: "With Qaddafi vowing a win or martyrdom and Assad being urged to step down by the West, what has happened to the Arab...