Military Implications of the Seizure of the PLO Gun Ship
Alongside the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire with Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been involved -- since the beginning of the second intifada -- in the indigenous production of weapons and ammunition...
How the Israeli Media Covered the Capture of a PA Ammo ship
In a pre-dawn raid on Thursday morning, January 3, 2002, IDF naval commando troops seized control of the Karine-A vessel without a fight and forced it to sail 500 kilometers north to Eilat. The...
In the Shadow of 1914: The Current Situation
With each passing day, the political landscape across the globe looks increasingly like August 1914. Then, it took only the assassination of an Austrian archduke by a Bosnian-Serb nationalist to ignite the First World...
Public Condemnation; Private Glee
Executive Summary
Palestinian press treatment of the Islamic suicide attacks on New York and Washington on September 11 was a prime example of the power the Palestinian Authority wields over newspapers and media. Both PA-owned...
Sharon’s Statement on Czechoslovakia: Background
On Thursday,German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer telephoned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Fischer was excited, and told Sharon: "I spoke with Bashar Assad. He told me that Syria has always been against terror. You have...
UNRWA Director Peter Hansen Opposes Solving Palestinian Refugee Problem
Full Text: UNRWA feels the pinch of the siege
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency has for the past 51 years afforded support for the Palestinian people, moving its headquarters from Geneva to Gaza...
Russia Expects Mild U.S. ReactionTo Iran Deal
MOSCOW -- Russia expects a mild U.S. response to what could be a $1.5 billion arms deal between Moscow and Iran.
Russian officials and analysts said the Bush administration does not want to divert...
What is the Basis for the Legal Status of Israel and the Settlements
Moshe Negbi, a well-known legal commentator for the Ma'ariv daily as well as for Kol Yisrael radio, was interviewed here last week. One of the subjects discussed was the legality or lack thereof of...
Iranian airlift sends more arms to Hezbollah – via Damascus Int’l Airport
Iran has transfered hundreds of tons of weapons, ammunition and other materials to the Hezbollah through Syria in recent days, according to reliable sources. The deliveries were airlifted in by giant Antonov 124 transport...
Where Are Arafat’s Secret Accounts?
In the early morning hours of Friday,April 20, a group of armed masked men knocked on the door of the home of Jawad el-Russein in Abu Dhabi. El-Russein, the PLO treasurer, opened the door...