France To Israel: Fly Over Lebanon And We’ll Shoot

Israel Defense Minister Amir Peretz reported to an Israeli Knesset committee that there is a new threat to Israeli jets operating in Lebanese airspace. Peretz said that the commanders of the French forces that deployed...

The Question No Candidate in the Israeli Elections Wants to Answer: Must Israel End...

This article was written by a veteran American correspondent based in Israel who asked that his name not be used. Israeli politicians love to talk and the rhetoric during the current campaign for Knesset elections...

Israel and the European Union: A Change in Tone? INSS As expected, the government of Israel’s decision to issue a tender for construction of 1,000 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem elicited a response from Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative...

NGOs in the Lebanon War – Update 3: August 7, 2006

NGOs in the Lebanon War - Update 3: August 7, 2006 NGO Monitor Institute for Contemporary Affairs founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Covering July 12 through August 6 See Archive of Lebanon...

Washington’s Failure to Rein in UNRWA

General Assembly resolution 194 of December 11, 1948, offers two options, repatriation and resettlement, to achieve the reintegration of the Palestinian Arab refugees "into the economic life of the Near East." Yet,...

Obama Doctrine: America Allies with Muslim Brotherhood to Promote Middle East ‘Stability’ Here is what I wrote in October 2010, when the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood - Muhammad al-Badi - had just given a sermon calling for the overthrow of Egypt’s government (which happened four...

President al-Assad Gives an Interview to Kuwaiti Newspaper of al-Anba

With regard to the possibility of war with Israel for the restoration of occupied Golan, the president said: "Syria expects an Israeli aggression at any time, and Syria knows that Israel has a powerful...

Seven Years of Arming the PLO

The State of Israel has armed its enemies. After six years it is still difficult to digest this. It is hard to believe that by its own hand,Israel built up a hostile military force and...

End of Assad?

Iran and its proxy Hizbullah have been planning to take over Syria, a report said. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs said Iran and Hizbullah held a secret summit in April 2013 to draft strategy...

Commentary: Gaza, Israel’s Military Position, and more

An initial report has been delivered on what happened in Gaza: apparently a malfunction in the radar of the artillery battery. Defense Secretary Peretz has now ordered a review of artillery fire procedures and...