What Difference Does It Make that Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Care Why Terrorists Killed Americans...

http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2013/01/25/what-difference-does-it-make-that-hillary-clinton-doesnt-care-why-terrorists-killed-american-officials-in-libya/ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s remark - “What difference does it make?” - regarding how the motive of the terrorists in the attack that killed four men, including a U.S. ambassador and two former...

News Analysis

First, a critique of an article -- "Are US Officials Understanding and Responding to the Middle Crisis? Ya Think?" -- by Barry Rubin, director of the Gloria Center. As to that "Ya think?" Rubin explains:...

Future EU Sanctions Against Israel? Real, Imagined, and Somewhere in Between

http://jcpa.org/article/future-eu-sanctions-again!st-israel/ Is the scenario of a full-scale EU boycott of Israel at all realistic? This study is designed to provide policy-makers with a “Brussels insiders” perspective on the prospects for future sanctions by the European...

Fools Rush in Where Statesmen Fear to Tread

http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/06/fools-rush-in-where-statesmen-fear-to-tread/ “Four years after the revolution and the old king’s execution.... He still recalls the old battle yell Down with all of the ruling class Throw all the generals out on their arse.” -”Marat/Sade” Actually though, many Egyptians are...

Truce does not equal peace … writes Michael Kuttner

http://www.kbrm.org.nz/Israel/Truce_does_not_equal_peace.html One of the problems we face these days is the inability to recognise reality even when it smacks us in the face. Very few people expect politicians, especially those who manage to get themselves elected...

Member of Israeli Knesset Parliament to seek closure of UNRWA refugee aid agency

A member of the Israeli Knesset Parliament intends to ask the U.N. to close down the aid agency that assists Palestinian refugees living in Judea and Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem, saying the organization poses...

The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/04/iraqi-model-as-good-as-it-gets.html Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward. Yet I would suggest that...

The Beirut Arab Summit declaration

"II- Achievement of a just solution to the Palestinian refugee problem to be agreed upon in accordance with U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194." The Beirut Arab Summit declaration Regional, Politics, 3/29/2002 www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/020329/2002032908.html In its 14th...

UNRWA Palestinian Refugee Camps: Will U.S. Dollars Fuel a Future War with Israel?

www.CBN.com (CBN News) - No issue fans the flames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more than the so-called "right of return" to Israel for Palestinian refugees. Israelis say the influx of nearly four million Arabs...

Hate Radio: The long, toxic afterlife of Nazi propaganda in the Arab world

http://chronicle.com/article/Hate-Radio-Nazi-Propaganda-in/49199/ Between 1939 and 1945, shortwave radio transmitters near Berlin broadcast Nazi propaganda in many languages around the world, including Arabic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and Persian programs in Iran. English-language transcripts of the...