Israel Prepares for Trouble

Israel radio on Monday, July 13, reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met secretly with seven cabinet ministers for the third time on Sunday, to develop a "strategic policy" for dealing with the...

A Comprehensive Critique: Amnesty and Human Rights Issues in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

NGO Monitor Analysis (Vol. 1 No. 4) The cycle of death goes on and on... in the west there is a universal shaking of sophisticated heads and a weary, liberal sigh. Tut tut, there they...

When Iran Ruled Jerusalem

Although the threat of a nuclear Iran is currently Israel’s most pressing security issue, there was a time when the Jews of Jerusalem welcomed the invading Persian army as their savior. The story begins at...

Failed Foreign Policy Warfare is a very serious business whose first imperative is to deploy force to win - rather than to punish, make a statement, establish a symbolic point, or preen about one's morality. Yet, these latter...

Transcript: Indyk Sees “Real Opportunity” For Separate Peace Accords

January 27, 2000 Martin Indyk, recently returned to Israel for his second tour as U.S. ambassador, told an Israeli television interviewer January 25 that he believes "that there is a real opportunity now on the...

When NGO’s Take Sides

This op-ed was originally published in The Jerusalem Post The war with Hizbullah, like all Israel's confrontations with terror groups in the past decade, includes a political front that is as important and complex as...

EAST JERUSALEM ARABS TELL ME THEY PREFER ISRAEL OVER THE PA Carob juice vendor outside Damascus Gate, Old City, East Jerusalem. (Note: the person in this photo was not interviewed.) Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Shopkeeper in East Jerusalem's Arab Market sells a PALESTINE socccer team shirt, even...

Different Definitions: What is Settlement Activity?

And After So Much Discussion in Israel as to "Who is a Jew", the Time Has Come to Ask: What is the Definition of "What is Settlement Activity"? by David S. Bedein, MSW US President Bill...

Hizbullah Sets Up Thousands Of Bases

Officials said Hizbullah has set up weapons caches in at least 200 communities in southern Lebanon. They said Hizbullah was storing rockets and missiles in thousands of apartment buildings in an effort to evade...

Wilf to ambassadors: UNRWA an obstacle to peace By REUTERS The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to the peace process, MK Einat Wilf (Independence) said at a meeting with 65 ambassadors and...