Putting a Human Face on People About to be Evacuated from their Homes

Only a few weeks before the government of Israel proposes to evict the residents of the Jewish community of Sanur from their homes, Israel Resource News Agency dispatched a Russian speaking correspondent to meet...

A Letter to My Seventeen Year Old Daughter at Auschwitz

Dear Leora, As I write this letter to you today, you and your schoolmates visit the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkanau in Poland. At this moment, you view the remains of the crematoria, the ovens, the...

Our Efforts to Free our Daughter, Chaya

We would like to update you on our work in this struggle. We realize many of you may not have the time to read this entire email, so we will summarize it first and then...

PA to Buy Weapons from Egypt

Israel has allowed the Palestinian Authority to buy ammunition for the Kalashnikov assault rifles in its possession, said Palestinian sources in Gaza yesterday. These sources said: "our ammunition has run out and we're going to...

We Can’t Promise Zero Gunfire During Withdrawal

The scenario that has the security establishment most concerned is of disengagement under fire, but, judging by the statements made recently by Palestinian Authority officials, it seems unlikely that they will be able to...

Does Corruption Drive Israeli ‘Disengagement’?

July 30th, 2005 In the last few weeks we have explored some possible motives behind the government of Israel's insanely self-destructive decision to expel the Jewish population of Gaza and part of Samaria, and to...

Some US Congressional leaders worry that Gaza pullout amounts to appeasement

Nobody in the Republican-controlled Congress wants to be seen as opposing the wishes of both Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Bush administration. But quietly, the unilateral Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip...

Imagine What it Would be Like to Live Under the Threat of Your Community...

Imagine that you live in Israel, which has suffered 25,500 known terror attacks just since 2000, including 6000 mortars that have fallen just on your small section of Gush Katif, and instead of attacking...

Former military intel chief slams Sharon’s plan

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to evacuate Jewish communities from Gaza and parts of the West Bank is a "disastrous" military move and a major victory for terrorism, Israel's former intelligence research chief...

Roundups of Jews

Our community phone message system is in operation most of the day. Notices of prayer meetings, protest gatherings, organized meetings between soldiers and settlers, births, deaths, controlled explosions, take cover’ because of Arab bombardment,...