To understand the behavior of the youth in the Beit Hashalom in Hebron

In a country where the justice system is political, a media that makes no room for a flow of opinions, where half the nation finds no place in the media discourse, it should come...

INSIDE VIEW FROM AIPAC CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON: OBAMA,THE JEWISH VOTE, AND HOW ERIC CANTOR... l photo by Rhonda Spivak Newt Gingrich at AIPAC Conference photo by Rhonda Spivak Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League with the Editor of the Winnipeg Jeiwsh Review Former Democratic Congressman (Florida),Robert Wexler photo by Rhonda Spivak PRESIDENT OBAMA: HIS CONNECTION...

One If by Land, and Two If by Sea* Another Hostile Flotilla Attacked Israel,...

Lebanon staging point. Sign says "Iran's Garden" (AP) There are remarkable similarities between the Mavi Marmara flotilla in May 2010 and the Nakba marches from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza on May 15. The Israeli intelligence services...

Al-Ahram: Egypt’s Options, Lutfi El-Kholi

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 2nd - 8th July, 1998 Forging News Alliances by Dina Ezzat Dina Ezzat explores Egypt's options beyond a defunct...

Scanned PA school book material, translated by Dr. Arnon Groiss

What follows are scanned Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, currently in use in the school system of the Palestinian Authority schools, the UNRWA schools, and the Arab schools in Jerusalem..Each book appears in a separate file....

Israel Invades Temple Mount

"Voice of Palestine", the official Palestinian Authority Radio News Station, broke into its regular programming (10 a.m.) to announce that Israeli troops and Jewish extremists were invading Islamic holy places on the Temple Mount. Later...

Letter to Hendon MP – re BBC fail to use terminology TERRORIST

I wrote to you on the 24 May 2021(see attached) regarding the Dyson Report and the Balen  Report of 2004 in to the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of facts and asked what steps HM  government...

Can we afford to pour more money down the Palestinian drain? to_pour_more_money_down_the_palestinian_drain.html Dan Greenfield recently reported that the Palestinian Authority is facing another budget crisis and requesting additional funding from the West. Before we take out our overdrawn checkbooks, it might be time to look at...

The Alignment of BDS and Black Lives Matter: Implications for Israel and Diaspora Jewry

International protests over the murder of Minneapolis resident George Floyd while in police custody on May 25, 2020, led by the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) have generated expressions of sympathy and support...

Hold Trump to his Commitment to Constrain the PLO

Hold Trump to his Commitment to Constrain the PLO: The “Trump Plan”, launched last January, created  unprecedented requirements for the Palestine Liberation Organization, as a “predicate” for the PLO  to gain state recognition. Such requirements distinguish this...