Prime Time “Dr Phil show” featuring:..Bedein UNRWA Movies used by Dr. Phil*

Prime Time "Dr Phil show" featuring:..Bedein UNRWA Movies used by Dr. Phil*
Response by son of Hamas leader and Palestinian spokeswomen;.

UNWRA has been teaching Palestinian kids to hate and fight Israel for decades

How did seemingly innocuous United Nations summer camps for thousands of Palestinian children jump to the forefront of the horrific war in the Middle East? The UN Relief and Works Agency provides summer camps for children of...

Everything the Media is Not Telling Us about the Israel-Saudi Arabia Talks

 Once again, it seems like we are living in historic times. Israel is now in normalization talks with Saudi Arabia. Honestly, if this would be happening under the Trump administration, responsible for the groundbreaking Abraham...

PA Doubles ‘Pay-For-Slay’ Stipend to Ari Fuld’s Killer

The Palestinian Authority has doubled the terror “salary” it pays every month to Khalil Jabarin, the murderer of Israeli-American father of four Ari Fuld, according to the Fuld family’s attorney. Jabarin is serving a life...

For the sake of its integrity, will Israel make fundamental demands of Abbas?

As Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Jewish High Holy Days, approach, Israel finds itself in a moment of introspection and soul-searching, both on a personal and national level. These sacred days are traditionally...

Breaking Development

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that it has formally requested that UNRWA remove a textbook of blatant incitement from the UNRWA school curriculum in the new school curriculum for the forthcoming...

Israeli Policy Has Enabled and Encouraged Palestinian Violations of the Oslo Accords

Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has waged a campaign against Israel that has repeatedly, systematically, and intentionally violated its commitments under the Accords. The principal reason...

Islamic Jihad: We must use crisis in Israel for war against it

Dalit Halevi(A7) Nasser Abu Sharif, a member of the Islamic Jihad terror group’s political wing, has called on the Palestinian Arab groups to unite in a war against Israel. Abu Sharif stressed, “The Zionist entity is...

The US-Israel fantasy world

Picture this new world: Israel’s prime minister doesn’t visit Washington for a year, and no one notices. Israel adopts another outrageous domestic policy, and there’s no acid-dripping comment from the US. Israel informs the...