Gaza’s Not the Key, Philadelphi Is # The Second Hamas-Israel War, of November 10 to 21, inspired a mighty debate over rights and wrongs, with each side appealing to the large undecided bloc (19 percent of Americans according to CNN/ORC,...

Suit against State Dept, filed by US citizens in Israel whose loved one were...

Israeli-Americans sue Clinton over PA aid money Group claims State Department ignored transparency requirements attached to US aid to Palestinians, allowed money to fund terrorist organizations Adi Gold Dual US-Israeli citizens filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton...

Twenty Conclusions of “Operation Pillar of Defense”:

Last week, while visiting communities struck by Gaza missiles throughout southern Israel, it was easy to discern the all pervasive anger that Israeli citizens - from all walks of life - vented against the...

Israel Renews Cash To Gaza

Israel, less than a week after its missile war, plans to renew massive cash transfers to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. The Israel Law Center said the government has approved the imminent transfer of $13.5 million...

The Status of “Palestine” at the United Nations Two Palestinian documents recently made public deserve attention: the Palestinian request for non-member state status at the United Nations General Assembly,1 and the speech made by President Abu Mazen on November 11, 2012 at...

The Long-Term Implications of the Israel-Hamas Clash Vol. 12, No. 26 21 November 2012 The current clash between Israel and Hamas did not begin with rocket fire but with ramped-up terror activity on the Israel-Gaza border. Hamas’ strategy has changed over the...

Escalating Hamas Attacks a Result of the Arab Spring The latest escalation along the Israel-Gaza border - which saw Palestinians fire more than 250 rockets at Israel since Wednesday after Israel, responding to days of only slightly less intensive rocket fire, assassinated a...

November 15, 2012: Necessary Battle Current Postings November 15, 2012: Necessary Battle Yesterday, on its FaceBook page, the IDF put up the following message: “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in...

With Resolve, Good Judgment, and Deliberate Speed INSS The Israeli public and its decision makers understand that slogans such as “eliminating Hamas” or “talking to Hamas” will not win a war or resolve the Palestinian problem. Indeed, the objectives of Operation Pillar...

Catherine Ashton and the facts about Pisqat Ze’ev and Ramot On Thursday EU high commissioner Catherine Ashton issued a statement in which she condemned the issuing of tenders for some 1200 new housing units in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Pisqat Ze’ev and Ramot. Ashton labeled...