Anti-Israeli networks and activists from the Middle East and beyond intend to initiate propaganda... Overview 1. Regardless of the last flotilla's failure to reach the Gaza Strip, anti-Israeli organizations and activists intend to continue challenging Israel with "awareness-raising" events, including flotillas, convoys and fly-ins. In some instances, the behind-the-scenes...

The Third Intifada Is Here The third intifada is already here, and it is being waged against Israel not on the streets of Gaza and Ramallah, but in the international arena. This is a Diplomatic Intifada, aimed at rallying the...

Blaming the Victim -Barack-Obama-Nicolas-Sarkozy-blaming-victim.html?ito=feeds-newsxml # One of the most egregious signs of western irrationality and bigotry over the issue of Israel is the way in which its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is routinely scapegoated for causing the breakdown...

Gov’t votes not to renew transfer of PA taxes Palestinian unilateral statehood is as dangerous as terror attacks, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Monday. He defended the security cabinet’s decision to continue to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. At the...

Finnish delusions Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja has done it again. No sooner did this 1960s radical ease himself back into the foreign minister's seat after four years in the opposition than he unveiled again his...

Palestinian Identity Theft Identity theft, in most jurisdictions, is a punishable offense. But in the United Nations, Palestinians are free -- indeed, encouraged -- to rob Israel of its history, heritage, and homeland. At times the United Nations...

The Palestinian Authority Does Not Meet UNESCO Standards authority-does-not-meet-unesco-standards/ After the vote of 193 UNESCO member countries, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education published today an interim report containing a preliminary summary of the findings of an extensive...

PLO envoy asked to leave Canada PALESTINIAN_ENVOY_TO_CANADA_IS_ASKED_TO_LEAVE_OTTAWA_AFTER_ CONTROVERSIAL_TWEET _ "The English subtitles on the video PA envoy tweeted include a passage where millions are called “to a war that raze the injustice and oppression and destroy the Jews.” Just as the Palestinian Authority...

JLTV to show US premiere of documentary on controversial United Nations refugee organization on...

JLTV will premiere a stunning new documentary that portrays the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as an organization dedicated to inciting Palestinian militancy through its educational curriculum and staff in schools and...

JLTV to show American premiere of documentary on controversial United Nations refugee organization on...

Contact: David Bedein Cell: (215) 240-4919 Email: JLTV will premiere a stunning new documentary that portrays the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as an organization dedicated to inciting Palestinian militancy through its educational curriculum...