Canada, The Middle East Peace Process, UNRWA and “Right of Return”

Canada plays a unique and almost unreported crucial role in the Middle East Peace Process - holding the gavel of the RWG, the "refugee working group", which oversees the work of UNRWA, the United...

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...

The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Problem

In the aftermath of World War II, when it became apparent that millions of destitute refugees were not going to be attended to by existing organizations, the United Nations saw fit to establish an...

Don’t Give Them Guns: Reviving a Slogan After More Than 1,000 People Murdered in...

It is hard to believe that under the Sharon government, after more than a thousand Israelis have been killed in the past five years of terrorism, opponents of the agreements with the Palestinians are...

Incorporate UNRWA into UNHCR

Since the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees was established 55 years ago, the number of Palestinians registered on its dole has expanded exponentially. What was originally intended as a temporary...

From Mortars to Bulldozers – Israel’s Dilemma in the New Year

Israel awakens to a difficult new reality which transcends the perennial debate in Israel over the location of security fences. After all, mortars transcend fences. Ask people evicted from Katif about the 6,000 mortars which reigned...

Finland Offers to Monitor Peace Process

... No one is in a position to impose solutions in the Middle East without the agreement and commitment of the parties themselves. But when the will is there outside parties can and must...

How Sharon won: Business interests override concerns for security

To the outside observer, the internal schism in Israel's ruling Likud political party might seem to be quite confusing. After all, the three pretenders for party leadership - current Israeli Prime Miinister Ariel Sharon, former...

DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN: The City of Sderot After Disengagement

Over the past year, I have been to Sderot often, following the Kassam rockets. I climb up to the mayor's office, on the second floor of the municipality building, and catch Mayor Eli Moyal...

Hamad Research Center: Moving the Armed Struggle to Judea and Samaria

The Al-Mustaqbal research center, which is affiliated with Hamas, recently published a study on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the new era after the IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern...