Special Report: the Palestinian Education System Praises the Terror Attack in Neve Yaakov

On January 27th, Friday night, there was a terror attack in Jerusalem (Neve Yaacov) in which seven people were murdered and three injured. The terrorist, Alkam Hayri, was a 21-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem....

SWC Condemns Murder of Two Brothers in Huwara by Palestinian Terrorist

Leading Jewish Human Rights NGO Reiterates Call for US and Other Donor Nations to Demand Palestine Authority Revoke Law that Financially Rewards Terrorists and Their Families JERUSALEM – Monday, February 27, 2023 ­– The Simon...

The Palestinian Authority donor machine

When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist. The result is a rich Palestinian elite, which builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the...

The Third Man

We know the news: On Feb. 20, U.S. President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Kiev where lots of people took his picture with his Ukrainian counterpart. Biden relayed more promises of aid...

How The Palestinians Lost Their Way – OpEd

Although the 55-year-old Israeli occupation cannot be justified under any circumstances, Palestinian leaders have greatly contributed to its disastrous continuation. Their misguided policies over the years have tragically subjected four generations to a life...

Chip Roy leads house effort to cut funding to anti-Israel U.N. office

https://roy.house.gov/media/press-releases/chip-roy-leads-house-effort-cut-funding-anti-israel-un-office This is legislation we  endorse   in the US, Canada. the UK , Germany, Sweden and Israel-   Simply put,  donations  to UNRWA must  be tied to a directive for  UNRWA to cut all ties with terrorism.. When our new movie is screened in...

The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

Israel will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence. Around the same time, Palestinians will stage their annual Nakba Day, the official commemoration held every year on May 15 to protest Israel’s creation....

Special Report: the Palestinian Education System Praises the Terror Attack in Neve Yaakov

On January 27th, Friday night, there was a terror attack in Jerusalem (Neve Yaacov) in which seven people were murdered and three injured. The terrorist, Alkam Hayri, was a 21-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He...

When Terrorism Pays in Cash

Murder can be an all-too profitable endeavor for Palestinian terrorists. Despite pretensions to being a normal governmental organization, the Palestinian Authority doles out hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorists and their families. As...

Letter to US Ambassador Tom Hides

StewartKM@state.gov Following the two murders today, PA law  provide a salary for life for the family of the killer. Will the US Demand that the PA cancel that law? https://israelbehindthenews.com/2017/01/11/incentivizing-terrorism-palestinian-authority-allocations-terrorists-families/ today's murders https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/367260